VALENTINE'S DAY SPECIAL: Who was your first crush? 2-9-23

He was my 6th grade crush and he finally noticed me in 8th grade and we were together the whole year :hugs:

I was so shy and it was first grade. I was on the playground and a classmate kept following me. He wanted my attention.

I did my best to ignore him and escape.
I managed to fall at the feet of a tall, dark haired gentleman. He was older and in second grade.

We spent lunchtime and recess together.

The next year we were in the same class; a 2nd/ 3rd grade split. We still spent as much time together as we could.

He gave me a half bunker marble which I have treasured for over fifty years.
I always smile and think of how kind that handsome young lad was.

My 1st crush, is still a favorite of mine. I donā€™t remember exactly when we met. But we would hang together after school every day I had to stay after for band. And I would thoroughly enjoy every moment we had before band. Nowadays, weā€™re together during lunch to the point where my hubby says Iā€™m a stick in the mud. But I canā€™t help it my true love is and always will be Pizza!

8th grade. Matt. He was my first kiss and boyfriend.

8th grade (14 yrs old)ā€¦he was my first love and the first boy I kissed. He moved away out of state so we remained friends and would talk on the phone all the time. Over 25 yrs later, we still stay in contact and giggle about sneaking off to canoodle at lunch break!

2nd grade, He liked space and Ketchup on his mashed potatoes. His friend married us on the monkey bars and we were going to live in his tree house. Shortly after, I moved away :cry: Iā€™ve tried looking him up cause we never got divorced :laughing: but there is a lot of people with the same name out there.

David Bowie in Labyrinth :heart_eyes: I saw him and all bets were OFF. I was gonna marry that man lol

My first crush was a quiet guy. We were in 4th grade, and I used to imagine how it would be if we were married šŸ¤¦:heart::heart_eyes:

Allen Scott. I loved him from 3rd grade until some time in 9th grade. He was even my boyfriend for a little bit in 6th grade. He has white blonde hair, was always 3-6 inches taller than me, skinny, and sooooo cute I could barely look at him! Donā€™t know what ever happened to him. I lost track of him, I think he moved away, and that was allā€¦

8th gradeā€¦sheā€™s still my first love. Forever and always

7th grade. I just knew. Weā€™re together now married loving it!

Met in high school. I went to an all girl HS, he went to an all boy HS. We dated Jr, Sr year. We grew up in the country, very rural at that time. I got a job with the government in Washington, D.C. We married a year later. He didnā€™t like living in the city. He didnā€™t like that I had to travel with my job. We divorced a few short years later. He contacted me 2009. We reconnected and remarried 2 years later.

he was my prom date. I had a crush on him since 7th grade and I finally told him on prom night and we actually got married a year later.

James 6th grade. Now my ex husband

He was my best friend 14y and 16y old we wereā€¦loved his humor and he was caringā€¦we could talk for hours and were adventiourus !

I was a Sophmore in High School, Design Materials Class, in walks the single most rugged handsome man, my eyes got wide and my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. The teacher, omg, I never missed that class, I went in for extra work time during my free periods. I volunteered to help with literally everything. Wow, he was rugged and creative, he was an artist. I took that class for 2 years, then I had to take Art 1, Needless to say I hated it, and I missed my hunk of a man teacher.

It was a boy in rhe 12th and i was in the nineth he didnt know and nobody eise did either

the love of my life now always and forever

We met when he was19 and now forever together :heart:

My first crush was Randy Mantooth from show Emergency. I was only 10, but I thought he was cute :heart_eyes: