Looking for a club

Looking for a new club to join. I play daily and have been playing over a year. I’d like to be on a club that all players play daily and at least finish 5 perks. Some chat would be nice.

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We finish all 6 perks every week and sometimes the 7th. We are laid back, no pressure and no drama. Con"tributes" is our club name. Check us out and request to join if we look right for you!


We have a spot open in p4p2. We ask for 10,000 points a week. If you make closer to 25,000 points a week, You can move into our sister club when there is a spot open. We have a lot of long term (up to a year and a half) members

This is about our clubs
Join the Play4perks Menagerie

Let me know if you decide to join, as I rarely accept requests to join in the game :smiley:

Hi there I sent in my request to join, thanks!

@NPF, sorry it took me so long to see this. Just getting into the game right now, and will approve your request :slight_smile:

@CindyLu No worries. It says the club is now full. Please let me know when you have more openings, I like how your clubs are setup. I slowed down due to carpal tunnel but am better now and looking for exactly the kind of setup you have.

Yes, I’m sorry about that @NPF, we do have room in p4p3 and p4p4 right now. If you are interested you can join one, and when a spot opens c again in p4p2, you can have it :slight_smile:

Do you still have spots in your clubs open, I am very interested in joining. I was in a club for a very long time and was kicked because i was in vacation for 2 weeks with little service…i did let them know before hand… and was unable to make make the 35,000K each of those weeks. I was disheartened for a few weeks after that because i had been loyal to them for so long.


Yes @Nancy_Banks, I haven’t had time to invite people to p4p3 or p4p4 yet, but plan to do that today. Both clubs earn 4 or 5 perks a week, and when there is an opening in Play4perks or p4p2, we always ask members in 3 and 4 first. Let me know your screen name, and request to join! :slight_smile:

West Eden has one spot available! Daily log ins! Welcome!

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Hi Nancy we are looking for good players like you in Tribute Lovers

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No Bullies is looking for a daily player! 1k before idle, 5k per day, 35k per week, 18 hours idle max! We are a new team of seasoned players looking to fill our last few openings! Last week with 15 players we finished all 6 perks (not perk 7 tho)

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Nice try guys, but Nancy and NPF already a part of our menagerie! LOL. :smiley:

come join the The Gamers club rank 966 i have 2 slots available one for Char

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Looking for a
New club. I act between 18-24k per week

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Hi @RobJ, my clubs are now full. I’ll keep you in mind the next time we have an opening! :smiley:

@RobJ, I now have a spot in p4p2, do you want it? Request to join, and let me know your game screen name :slight_smile:

Sorry Cindy. I would love to join. I replied to your email but I don’t think you got it

My user name is Rob
My club is immutable perk

I didn’t get it @RobJ, and now all of our clubs are full. You never know though, someone might need time off from the game tomorrow. I’ll keep you posted :smile: