Father's Day Forum Question: What Did You Learn From Dad?

My Dad taught me how to fix things myself instead of having to pay everyone else to fix them and to not be afraid to try even if I don’t know exactly what I’m doing. I have saved so much money because of that lesson. I still miss him so much.


The best lesson my father taught me was too fight because I’m really small I got picked on a lot. Never lost a fight after he taught me.

He taught me to work hard love and take time and care of your family and hold them tight.


That a sense of humor is invaluable. And that love is always there.

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To be work hard and try to be kind. To do your very best and try to do so in everything you do. I lost my dad 2 years ago and it’s been the hardest 2 years ever. He was such an amazing man.

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Measure twice cut once.

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My father may he rest on peace, taught me to treat others with all the respect that we wish to be treated with. :heart:


That work held meaning not just money. You can do anything as long as it holds value to you and hold your head high.

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My father figure my, (Pappy, I was raised by my grandparents) told me when I was very young, don’t take a day for granted because tomorrow is promised and most importantly, for me to please make sure I am actually living the life I was blessed with, not just existing, like a robot and going through the motions of life. Dreams are as important as the love they gave me and helped me learn to always make sure I love myself too. He made me a better person for guiding me on the right path and made me a good mom to my own kids. I miss my Pap is heaven but I know he looks over me and my kids. :heart:

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My father taught me what love is supposed to be about. Watching atwas him and my mom was a great influence

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My dad taught me to be independent. He wanted me to be able to survive or handle situations on my own if needed. He taught me to drive a stick shift and to change a tire. He taught me to work hard and be honest.

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creative problem solving, critical thinking skills, and to always advocate for yourself.

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There was nothing my Dad couldn’t do. He always said, “Never give up. Figure it out. If you don’t try you’ve already lost.”

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Lesson I learn my father was not my protector but 1 of my abusers

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The best lesson my dad taught me was measure twice, cut once. He was a carpenter and artist. He also taught me " If a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing rigjt!!

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He taught me the value of hard work. He never left a job half finished. He also taught me how to be a good husband a provider for my family.

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Respect, ,think for yourself.

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I learned a great many things from my dad. I learned how to hunt and fish. I learned how to change a tire and change the oil in my car.
He taught me how to start a garden and how to take care of it.
But the best thing he taught me was how to be a mom.
I can honestly say I have an amazing dad. He continues to amaze me with his kindness and generosity. Thank you dad…I love you :heartpulse:

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Nobody is perfect and be the best you can be. Learn from others. If you fail learn from it. My dad was not what he portrayed himself to be so I learned from my stepdad.

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To never give up on something or myself :heart:

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