Would love somenew FB friends to swap coins!!

I would love to add some new FB friends so we can swap coins! I play many times a day so I’ll be sure to return the favor!!!

My FB name is Deena Kay: Picture of an army tank with a pink flag background. :blush:

Thanks in advance!!!


@Puff, there is another post on this forum where several people are looking for friends. Don’t know if you found it yet, so here’s a link:

HI Deena I am also in need of FB friends I will send you a friend request I am Ingrid Bradbury / Rasmussen famity photo as pic am from Regina SK

HI Toni I’m Ingrid Bradbury/Rasmussen Pic of family I’m the older gal in back left beside my brother :wink: will send you a friend request

HI Deena I am also in need of FB friends I will send you a friend request

I have a FB group for my club. You can join to send coins. It’s set to private so all of the people listed are active players. Just search tripeaks honest play on FB and send a request. Message me “hi mommy” so I know it’s someone from here and not spam and I will gladly add you so you can earn some coins and send some to my members too!

I will send you a request

Hi, I am going to send a request to join group. Name is Candace Coleman. Have a pic with 2 girls in red and bleached flannel shirts.

You can add me. I’m always looking for more friends to swap coins with.

I would love to get FB friends to get coins. I can also return the favor!

I also am looking for friends to swap coins with to and from players

I i would love friends for coins thanks my name is chrissyliz1115


Hi mommy
Please send me coins

Hi Kathie, here is a post that explains how to make it easier for people here to find you on FB so you can be facebook friends.

Facebook Friends Links (Help)

Once you are friends, then while in the game app, you can request for help from your FB friends. Do you know how to do that yet? If not, here is a link that explains how to do that:

Player Hints and Tips - Asking Friends for Help

If you have any other questions, let us know. :slight_smile:

I would love to add you to our coin FB page! Please look us up on FB at tripeaks honest play and send a friend request. Send me the hi mommy message on FB so I know it isn’t spam

Please add me to swap coins. Valerie Warren Thanks

I would luv new FB friends

I requested to join and you added me, but I forgot to say Hi mommy. I don’t see any members to send coins to. I am Colleen Gazy. Thanks!

Any of the players on our FB page are active solitaire tripeaks players. You can send them friend requests with a message that you play solitaire and would like a friend for coins. If they are maxed out with 25 friends they may tell you that but many people aren’t and will be happy to add you!