Waiting 5hrs to be able to ask for help from friends

Myself and 1 other team member have this punishment also. I think it stinks as they are stealing our coins every 4 hours and this is my 3rd day 15,000 coins every 4 hours times 3 days soon adds up


Janisf…r u at 4 or 8 hr wait??

No one is stealing your coins. You’re just getting a smaller benefit.

No offense Ff2017…r u waiting 8 hrs for friend request??

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Normally u wait 4hrs n do u have a report n ur new n the inbox saying that they r working on friend request n it varies with players?

This has been going on for 3 days n im leader of a team n yes it is like coins being stolen when u only wait 4 hrs for a friend request n u get 15,000 coins every 4 hrs n we wait 8 hrs to get that…so whos stealing??? U reap the benefits of another 15,000 coins n we don’t get them. Just saying…

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Plz don’t comment if it isn’t happening to u…

Since everyone but me and one other person are getting every 4 hour friends coins, I stand by my statement that they are stealing my coins every 4 hours.


Well it’s a matter of perspective. You guys may be less unhappy if you are getting less of a FREE benefit, (cause literally nothing is being taken from you) than thinking something is being stolen from you.

I mean using your perspective the game is stealing 6 volcanos from me every week because they dont offer the 100k coins to get 6 volcanos event anymore.

Since I never participated in the daily 50k free Facebook coins, I have been getting an unearned benefit of 60 to 75k free coins a day since the implementation of the friends center. Having it reduced to 45k a day won’t effect me negatively since I learned to play effectively without the daily free coins. I once never got my 25k coins for my club’s placement in the platinum league, never got the red monster chest for this past Halloween’s special event and just moved on. IMO it’s better to adapt/move on than feel victimized over a game. This is all just my opinion and not meant to be an attack, just offering another perspective.


N just to let u know i dont even have facebook i dont reap any benefits of anything but playing the game. I do my quota of club quest n yes those coins r relied upon by me. I will share all the coins i get w all my friends on my list. I dont feel im a victim but i can gaurantee if it was happening to u than u would be posting as everyone else. This is a forum for ppl to talk n comments like yours is being offensive.

Sry to all on this subject. I did not mean to sound offensive w talking toFf2017. This subject was to express the harm it is doing to ppl n their play…i am thankful to all the post ive gotten w it n was glad to hear it was more than myself having it happen n it is disheartening to fans of this game. I just felt that 3 days this should of been fixed. This is my last post on subject n thank you for all the feed back. Perk on mateys!!:wink:

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No but I only receive coins from 3 friends every 4 hrs and it has reduced the amount of play

@Sarah_Wilkerson, do you have 30 friends on your friends list, & are they active players? If not, you can find random people and send them friend requests.

If you need tips on finding people to friends, let us know.

Bummer @Maggi! I was crossing my fingers :crossed_fingers: and hoping you all could get 30,000 coins every 8 hours :frowning:

You don’t have to have Facebook to get the freebies off there page…Iv posted it’s under - No Facebook needed for freebies… No Facebook needed for freebies tap the blue and it will take you there

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I appreciate your point of view and honestly, it’s a better way to view things but…I have only been able to collect 9,000 coins while the rest of my group is collecting 15,000 every 4 hours. It is hard for this to not feel like a negative. Especially after not being able to play a single Pick 3 because they made them all Scavenger Hunt and quite frankly not worth the time or coins to play. Sure I have a choice but again, hard to see the positive side of losing the chance to play for boosters. I play this game for fun but they’re really taking the fun out of it with all these new changes.


Not as fun as it used to be.

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I usually have to wait 4 hours between requests.

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I agree with @CindyLu that you should make sure your friends are active players. If not, replace them with new coin friends.

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I am at 8 hours as well as two others in my club- seems to be the ones who play the most on my team. Not liking the switch at all so far- and others in the club are minimal players, so it’s hurting me in the red star thing as well as gaining on the perks. Feel like I am sitting the week out…

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