Thinking changing clubs but feel guilty

I just joined a new club in September. It’s ok but there are maybe 10 people who have been idle for over a month. I play about 7,000-8,000 a week and always have hundreds of tributes but this club has something missing, I dont know what though (active players maybe?)
I was going to leave on Friday but the person who was #1 just left and now I feel bad if I do. We go keep going back and forth from wood to stone. Is it silly to feel guilty?


It’s not silly, I understand how you feel. The most important thing is for you to be happy. If you aren’t, you should find a club where you will be. You are welcome to join us in Tiki Central. We are a Platinum Club that has fun and supports each other.
Good luck Marybeth, hope to see you!


It’s natural to have some affinity for your club, but you need to be happy playing. Be open with your leader (privately if you’ve connected on Facebook) that you would like to try a different club, giving them a heads up that you want to leave at reset. Let them know that you’ve enjoyed the time you spent with them. It’s polite to say good-bye and wish them well before you leave. Keep the key people in your Friends Centre for awhile (don’t drop them all the minute you leave). No one will think poorly of you if you leave on positive terms.

Before you leave, look for where you would like to go and request invites if necessary so you have something lined up to go to.


You are in a club that lacks effective leadership, what I call a Zombie Club.

Likely your original leader left for some reason and the one the system automatically promoted simply doesn’t or doesn’t care about managing your team.

You need to move asap because eventually it will down to you and no one else playing.


Go for it! Find a new club. It sure makes playing more fun. I’ve switched clubs several times over the years. Two I let them know, one I didn’t for various reasons. If they are a wood or stone league, you leaving isn’t going to impact them. Best of luck to you!

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It is a zombie team! Lol


That’s it, I’m leaving friday morning. I’m looking now at some places I may like.


you can also check the Discover tab in the Clubhouse

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No it’s not. If the team your on isn’t challenging enough change teams. Your trying to do better. The team I’m on is great we talk and challenge each other we interact.

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Please consider coming to Tiki Central. We’d love to have you!

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Don’t feel guilty about leaving. It’s a game and should be fun, not stressful. We need a player like you in just4fun. We’re usually at gold level and are a fun group


so did you move and where did you end up? :slight_smile:

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I ended up going to Chasing Chests. So far so good but it’s really weird to be in a group where everyone plays. I actually got a gift bix today! Lol

Debbie, I did look for Just4Fun but there were a lot of them and didnt know which was the correct one.


Yay Marybeth! I’m happy for you!


Welcome to the forum @narybeth61
It is great that you feel loyalty to a club but wouldn’t it be better that you are loyal to a club you enjoyed and felt you were achieving something in?
Look at it this way … I am learning if you don’t follow rules you should be “booted” (that seems to be the general term). As a team leader I do not like to “boot” anyone for any reason especially because I can’t directly message them and because communication seems to be a big problem in many clubs previously mine but that is now being resolved. Actually I shouldn’t call it “my club” because that is not how I see it and I wish we could have more than one actual Leader. It is as much mine as anyone else’s if they are pulling the work in. I have digressed as usual, consider if your loyalty would it be rewarded if they wanted that space for a friend or for a player that achieved more. It isn’t online game and they don’t know you in real life. Do you think they will consider loyalty to you before “booting” you?
Sorry to be blunt especially in response to your first post on the forum. Find a team/club that you enjoy and that enjoys you. In fact come chat and strategize and have fun @thepokemongo with myself @Lynne … We are currently in the stone League and one place off promotion. We were promoted to the Stone League last week and hope to consistently every other week get promoted and kick the Tributes butts xx



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I would rather have them or find another team as my son and I started this one and we plan on making it work x

Don’t even feel silly… move on so you can find a club that will help you earn better rewards with active players!


No need … Miraculously with a bunch of nagging, setting rules, creating a FB page and booting the lazy ones
… we crushed it!! #1 in the Stone League and now #1 in Gold League with double the club points of the team in 2nd place. We had a good shake up, it is fun now too!!!

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Great job!! Following your story over the past couple of weeks and reading about your persistent and perseverance has been quite inspiring!

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