The New Gold Star Chest!

Soo, Has Anyone tried this new feature yet? Because i have! twice now! And All i can tell u now, it’s definatlly, NOT !! Worth your time,
effort, or Coins, to obtain such foolish Nonsence!! Only becuz the 1st Chest i aquired was merely a wood chest?? And the 2nd 1 wasn’t much to talk about either, i got maybe 1 extra reward card, but!, im not even completly sure about that??


I have not seen this feature, I believe you are a tester for this feature. You should send your feedback, while you are on the game the help button, follow the steps from there


Are you an Employee of GSN

Nope, just a regular player, that’s why I suggested to use the feedback option on the App. That way your input can be helpful for the developers of the game


There are others that have it, they seem to be on higher levels, and most of us on higher levels have already gotten all the stars so yes I believe it useless for us. But if it was givin when we 1st started it would be nice to get those freebies for a stock pileup… I have not had it but seen other comments on here about it.


I bet a new player would love this feature! :slight_smile:

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Are you talking about the treasure hunt match game? I am unimpressed

Pretty sure it’s the piggy bank (being tested) . I love the treasure match! Getting that 1st chest is pretty easy and after buying the game I am up 6000-7500 and a couple boosters! Well worth it to me! Getting to chest 6 is a toughie!

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@JimC it’s a chest for collecting yellow stars threw the game, he postedawhile back about it, I like treasure match match too.

No, it’s not the piggy bank, which I find to be just as worthless. I have never spent a dime on the game for any reason. Not going to start now.


I got the gold star trial thing too. I hate that I have to play new levels. I have all gold stars from lower levels. Would be great for a beginner. I wish I had not completed as many levels as I have. Because all my triblute levels seem to be the impossible ones!!!


I never got the new gold star chest thing. I never get anything new.

I have the new gold star chest, i opened about 4 so far and while it is good to get something. I am not really impressed with what is in some of them. One time the was a significant amount of coins, wilds, and medallion…a couple of trap,cards and others as well…for the most part it is not much but that was a great chest…I agree it is harder to get the tributes because of being so high. Do not like the match game…not worth it

Is the gold star chest a trial thing or what

Ii have nothing to complain about the star chest cause it’s a bonus feature that I can get since I haven’t finished alot of levels


I would guess it is because I don’t have it, I have received it now but I have to advance now because I already have most of the stars.

Yes it is in a testing phase which is why a few players only have it

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Thanks. I keep seeing people post about it,but have not yet seen the gold chest myself…

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I agree with you 100 percent. Complete waste of time.

My gold stars dont register at all!