Player Spotlight: Veteran, Michael S!

My Uncle, Grandfather and Great Grandfather fought valiantly for the freedoms we enjoy today. All of them fought with great sacrifice. It was my Great Grandfather that paid the ultimate price. He lost his life and he was never recovered for a proper burial. I bow my head and heart for those that continue to fight with such selflessness. Always remembered!


Welcome to the community Aimee!


Thank you for your service!


My time in the service allowed me to see new places and learn how people in other countries as well as other states live. I was in during the Vietnam conflict from 1963 to 1967.


Thank you for your service and sacrifice!


My great uncle Moses Sellers Haworth lost at Flanders. I thank you for your sacrifice


Thanks for your service and sacrifice!


I want to honor my Father,Master Sargent Raymond Miller for his service in the Korean and Vietnam war. And to say Thank you to all who have served or still in active duty.


My uncle served, but my father, being younger missed the call up. He remembers the stories his brother relayed and was grateful he wasn’t there. He always held him in awe for his experiences.


My husband served in Vietnam, and now has cancer due to agent orange exposure. When he returned home he was given a hero’s welcome due to the times he was spit on, but he doesn’t complain about it and never asks for recognition. Says it was his duty as an American. He will always be a Hero to me.


Sorry that should have read wasn’t


Oh where oh where has my little boy gone oh where oh where can he be, His hairs quite short and he’s tall and lean he’s off with the US MARINES :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Thanks to all the Veterans out there thats risking their lives for their families and every American Citizen[quote=“Tiki-Tahd, post:1, topic:52646, full:true”]

On this Veterans Day, we are honored and pleased to feature a Solitaire TriPeaks-playing Veteran, Michael S. In our every day lives, we often forget how fortunate we are to have people like Michael who serve, and sometimes pay the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. Cheers to you, Michael, and to every Vet we have the pleasure of meeting in our lives.

Read all about the story here:

And then, for a chance at 15K Coins, 5 Wild Cards and 5 Volcano Cards, leave us one or two sentences that applies to whichever situation fits you best:

  1. If you’re a Vet, your favorite memory from the time you served.
  2. If you’re related to a Vet, tell us a little about him or her.
  3. If you’re a civilian, and don’t know any Vets, let us know what you’d like to say to a Vet.

We will choose 5 people at random who answer the question posed to award the prizes. Of course, especially in this situation, it’s much less about the prizes than the content. :slight_smile:


My Father is a Vietnam vet. I remind him every chance I get that his service is not nor never will be forgotten. Thanks Dad xo


Thank you for your service


Thank you for your service and to all who have served. I married a Marine,raised by a Navy Dad and still have a cousin serving in Kuwait. I pray for a safe return for all.


My son Paul went into Iraq on the first day with the Americans in the second war against Iraq.the news on the t.v. was on twenty hours a day.we watchf nothing work i was allowed to have my phone on all the time.It was the worst time of my life.


My father and father in law both served in WWII in Japan. They told me stories how it was for the soldiers to survive over there. I always thank a vet for their service because they are the forgotten ones. PLEASE GIVE THANKS TO ALL OF OUR VETS WHO HAVE SERVED OR ARE SERVING FOR OUR FREEDOM!!


I have watched my cousin fight for our country for the last 20 years. I am grateful for and proud of him and all veterans. You truly matter!!


USAF Veteran 90% disabled service connected. Favorite memory of service time hands down was our company soft ball tournament and taking the team all the way to championships. Currently I just do my best to help other veterans who struggle and educate the masses or individuals who need it about the struggles of veterans that aren’t as visible as a leg amputation.