Player Spotlight: Meet Christina S!

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, the picture kind of says more than this Solitaire TriPeaks player herself! While she’s brief in her answers, she still sounds, and certainly looks, like a lot of fun!

Read the full story here:

Then comment below with THE WEIRDEST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO YOU for a chance at 10K Coins and 5 Wild Cards! You must answer the question to be considered. Then on Friday afternoon, 5 people will be chosen at random and we will award them with the goods.

Have fun!


Funny, but maybe not weird… When I was little, I loved horned toads. Dad and I where outside Easter morning ready to go to church and Dad found a horned toad and gave it to me. It spit blood all over my Easter dress. Needless to say, Mom wasn’t happy. First time and only time a horned toad ever did that to me!


Driving and car door open


To ghost or not to ghost that is the question! Funny lady!


Actually weird things happen a lot but the latest was just the other day. The only people in the house were my husband and I. He was in the bathroom and I was in den. There was a knock on the bedroom door…What was that??? Who did it??? That’s WEIRD!


Had a dream the diamond fell out of my wedding ring… the very next day it did and I was able to find it. :flushed:


When I wa s 14 my cat was hit by a car and was severely injured. She had been in the hospital several days and the vet told us he thought she was going to be okay. As we were getting in the car to leave I told mom my cat just died. She said don’t be silly! I ran back in there and she was gone!


Weirdest thing?—when I was taking care of a neighbor’s cats while they were on vacation, I saw one run out of the garage door. I spent the week looking for it, and when another neighbor saw it, I ran over, grabbed it and threw it in the house, so relieved. It turned out that this was another neighbor’s cat who looked identical to the one I was taking care of, who never left the house, but always hid under the bed. So this extra cat was in the house when the neighbor’s got home a few days later. Meanwhile, the other people had been looking for their cat. What a crazy mix-up!


Saw a ghost. More than once. Was not scared. It was a realization of years of glimpses. Like it finally trusted me.


We were on vacation on Florida and saw 3 UFO’s over the Gulf from our balcony. Nobody believes us but we saw them!


Leaving my cellphone on the roof of my car and driving 8 miles home without it falling off.


I had a cat at the vet and went to pick her up. The vet tech brought a cat to me, got in the car and headed home. Once I was home, I brought the cat in the house. The cat was freaking out and I got a good look at the cat- wasn’t ours. It’s was a Siamese cat but was a boy twice the size of ours. Back in the car and off we went to swap the out the kitties


My wish is to ever live in big city


Weirdest thing, smelling my mother-in-laws perfume when I was stressing over things, even though she passed away years ago. This is also why I believe in ghosts/spirits.


I was married in a tree. Not under it or around it but in it! Not many people can say that.


When I was about 15 years old, we went camping and I took my friend Lisa. We were in the bath house getting ready for the day. We had taken an “extra curricular activity” with us and was feeling pretty good, if you get my drift. All of a sudden, about 20 kids ranging in ages 5-12 came in, no adults. Didn’t even see a group camping with this many children. They surrounded us in the bathroom and was touching us, saying over and over again “why won’t your eyes open”. It was like something out of the twilight zone and freaked us out. We ran out of there and couldn’t stop trying to figure out what that was or where they came from. We never did see a group camping with that many children. To this day, I don’t know what that was, but we both experienced it so I know it wasn’t the “extra curricular activity” we were doing, lol.


The weirdest thing that happened to me as I was walking through JCPenney. As I’m walking I’m looking at this Girl that looked just like me! I thought I was looking in the mirror! I said in my boyfriend at the time who is now my husband, who does that look like? He sent you! I have to say that was very weird!


I saw my grandma in the hallway by our bedrooms…years after she was gone and now I smell Lilacs and I know something good is about to happen and it always does.


I lived in a former hotel from the 1880s and I saw a couple of ghosts there, so I do believe :ghost::ghost::ghost:


Rescuing star fish from baking in the hot sun on a beach in Alaska!!