Player Spotlight: Meet Brandy A!

I made it through a 14 year prison sentence. It gave me an whole new outlook on life. Enjoy the little things in life.


I didn’t think I was smart enough to finish university but I did and now I am back at it trying a whole new field and completing it while being a mom of 3 and working full time!


I was deathly afraid of water/swimming. At 50 I became a proficient swimmer and encourage all of the new swimmers at our school


I left a dead end job I’d had for 15 years in a state I had lived in most of my life where all my friends were. I went to a new state and ended up finding a way better job! I was able to buy a house and moved my husband there shortly after. It was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done. This proves taking chances can have the best rewards. :slight_smile:


Moving to Texas at 22 where I knew no one and my closest family was 1300 miles away. 39 years later I have a great family and job and never look back on my decision


I risked everything. Home, etc as collateral to buy a company. Scariest thing I’ve ever done. To risk no gain


Three years ago I was working retail and after 6 years had become completely burnt out. I had wanted to try substitute teaching but was afraid to go for it. Long story short, I completely lost it at work one morning after working all night and cussed my supervisor and a few coworkers (I was shocked with this behavior which was totally out of character for me) who had been making my life miserable. Two months later I began subbing in special needs classes and couldn’t be happier. It is the most rewarding job I’ve ever had.


Mine was surviving Stage III breast cancer. I never wanted it, I never knew I could fight so hard. There have been so many hurdles, too many to mention, but syronger me is still rising from the ashes. Things can only get better.


Recovering from a torn achilles tendon, this past may. I lost most of the feeling in my foot and even experienced a drop foot once my cast came off. I never thought the feeling would come back (80% came back) and never thought I would walk again. But with the help of my dr, my physical therapist and believing in my higher power. My life is coming back to normal


Wow congrats to you what a story. Mine was 34 years ago I was pregnant at a very young age, still in high school. I went to a very small catholic school and that was a hard time but I bucked up with my then boyfriend, now husband, and we made it. Our son will be 33 in a few weeks and we will be married 33 years in May.

I’m proud of us but it wasn’t an easy time and neither were the early years, but we made it and hope to have a lifetime of happiness.


Going back to school. My husband did not want me to achieve anything; for example, going to nurses school. I was working full time, 4 young children & doing all the child care & household duties. He would wake me up all the time & when I tried to study he would make sure I could not; but I was determined & after 20 years I received my Master’s in Nursing & ARNP. He later said he was sorry what he did to discourage my education. I did it for the kids & I for a better life.


My weight, I was 100 plus pounds overweight. Trial any d error, fad diet after another. Finally, it took getting up every day, I stopped stepping on the scale, and just started to work out. Kept doing this day after day. I would watch what I ate, but never missed my meals. Stop drinking pop, replaced snacks for healthier food and drinks. And, after a few months, my body started to change as well as my mood and for the first time I actually truly loved myself and haven’t gone back. So, hard work and determination. You can achieve anything you want.


Going to college and then going back for my Master’s in Social Work with 3 children including an 18 month while my husband worked 50 to 60 hour weeks. I never did well in high school but managed to graduate with honors for my bachelor’s and Master’s. Lots of work that paid off.


As a single mother of 3 I had been working full time at an investment company and going to college full time to earn a finance degree. That often meant no lunch break at work, or my children had to go to class with me, but we did it! And it was worth it to show them that no one or nothing can stop you from achieving whatever it is you want in life!


I was married for 34 years. My husband passed away after 3 years of chemo for colon cancer. I was thinking of separating just before he became ill. When his cancer was first diagnosed, all thoughts of leaving him dissipated. Didn’t think I would survive the ordeal. I took an early retirement to take care of him.


I’m trying to do this without bragging I was a mom at 16, graduated that year. Before the age of 21 I had 4 beautiful daughters, and divorced. I raised my girls myself, never asking for money. My girls are all College grads. It was tough but you do what needs to be done. I’m on my 10th grandbaby. Now let’s move forward to today. 2 1/2 years ago I found lumps in both breasts (don’t feel bad) it was breast cancer and it sucked. If it wasn’t for my girls taking such great care of me. Now I’m having reconstruction, and my girls are my biggest supporters. I am a proud mother and nanna. I truly believe if it wasn’t for my family I would be lost


I always want to learn to sew I will look at my mom sewing and I want to do it too .l eventually learn how to use the sewing machine. Make my first dress and I still love sewing today


I always wanted to go on an overseas mission trip, but I knew it would require me to save or raise the money. I don’t make a lot of money, and I’ve never been good at managing money. I think I convinced myself a long time ago that it would never be more than a pipe dream. I moved away from my hometown a few years ago, and I’ve made some really positive, forward-thinking friends in my new town who saw things in me I never saw in myself. Last fall I saw an announcement at church for a mission trip to serve at our sister church in Oswaldtwistle, England. I’m not sure what convinced me sign up for that trip, but I did. Over the next 6 months, I came up with multiple reasons to back out, but my mission team wouldn’t let me. I raised the money, and I made that trip. It truly changed my life. Sure, the travel and the experience were amazing, but more than anything, it awoke a boldness in me. All the things I’ve longed to do but was too afraid of failing to even try, I’m now challenging myself to do. First up, going back to school and conquering my debt. I went across the pond and came back a different person, and you know what? I like her!!


Learning to survive and care for my family after leaving the military. Afterserving in the United States Marine Corps for 12 yrs and 2weeks, it was time to bid a fond farewell to military life, and enter the future of the civilian world. The first year and a half I spiralled downhill. I kept my distance from family members and friends, and was confused as to how am I suppose to care for my family in this time of need. Then not to make things worse than it is, about two months after the birth of my third child, my family and I became homeless. For three months, we lived in a homeless shelter, and wondered what did we do wrong to deserve this punishment. My saving grace came in the form of a veterans advocate. She helped me find a permanent home for my family, and get the financial resources needed. Secondly, I finally found a job, which I still work at to this day, and my boss is caring and understands what life is like outside the military. He is an Army veteran. After working for a year, I enrolled in college in the summer of 2015. Today, I have an associate degree, working on a double major in criminal justice and political science, and lastly, am currently a supervisor for the security company I work for. Do not give up on hope. When you feel that all is lost, there is a door open for you to take. That door will lead to to a better and promising future. Take care of your loved ones, and show them that you really do love them. Thank you.


Deciding to go to med school while being a single parent of a beautiful 5 yr old daughter. Graduated at the top if my class on the Dean’s list with no absences. Got a wonderful job at Cleveland Clinic but at the time was in an abusive relationship who beat me dearly to death. Had to have both sides of my jaw completely redone and was still being threatened that he would kill me and my daughter so I made the decision to pack up and move to a different state where I met the love of my life. I’m disabled now but my husband and I now have custody of our 2 beautiful granddaughters so starting over at the age of 58 to raise these beautiful girls…ones 16 the other is 7. I’ll be 70 yrs old when the youngest one graduates but at least I know their safe, loved beyond words and happy. We’d do anything for these girls and i thank the good Lord every day that we have them in our lives!!!