Player Spotlight: Kaye M!

This week’s Player Spotlight has her cousin to thank for her introduction to Solitaire TriPeaks. Her cousin may not feel so grateful, as they now compete on one device.

Regardless, they have a lot of fun…

First read about Kaye here:

And then, since she mentioned she loves reading, leave a comment telling us the last really good book you’ve read and why you liked it. The authors of our five favorite responses (not necessarily for the books themselves because, well… there are a LOT of books out there :wink:, but for the comment itself) will receive a Wild Card on Friday!


I read a couple books a week. I just finished a Janet Dailey book called Refuge Harbor. It was based in Alaska. I would love to visit Alaska someday so I enjoy books based in Alaska. I think of myself as an outdoorsy woman but to live in Alaska is probably beyond me!


Okay I can not lie. It’s been awhile since I have read a book. But the one I loved was the Series of books Based on The True Blood Series On TV. Oh I just loved the books and the show.
It is funny though cause I use to watch it with my son. The TV show ( not the book) lol. Well I would be so far ahead in the book that I would spill the beans on the show on stuff happening. Not funny. All my son would say. But not all was the same as book and TV. But enough to mess it up for him. I mean it would just slip…haha.
He didn’t like a heads up. But I didn’t mind… But the think I like about the boosters is…
Everything. I love the Sharks cuz you can hook em… Trap you can release them… the Bomb you can explode and the Wave you can ride em…lol ( not really ride em ,) but you know what I mean…or do you,? Hmm the Defroster because if they are frozen you can melt them… haha.
And the greatest two are the Volcano and Wilds because they get you out of a iffy situation…
So you get my long boring drift??
You wanted me to tell ya and now ya know. I love em all and I am sure you do also.


The Road To Serdom was the last book that I read while going after my BBA, which I finally chose to complete at the youthful age of 41.
I do not read for leisure! Who has time when we delve into TriPeaks??!!


The last Book I read was The Adventures of River Song. I actually really liked it! It’s full of adventure and plenty of mischief just like Tiki! It’s about a time Traveller that is married to the Doctor from Doctor Who. Her catch phrase is “spoilers” which always gives me a chuckle.


The last book I read would have to be the manual to my washing machine lol, prior to that was a 4th grade book called Hurricane City since my little girl was working on her AR points. One of my favs is Life Code by Dr. Phil…I know, interesting reads right!!! Lol


I don’t like to read but when I do is the Bible. What better book to read than a book that comes from our creator. Yes I said it! :slight_smile:


Does Pete the Cat count…lol! Pete is one of my 6 year old grandson’ s favorites and we love to read the series together. We are also going to make Pete the cat out of pumpkins and paint.


The last book I read was Pete the Cat and His Magic Sunglasses :sunglasses: by James and Kimberley Dean because I have little kids and no time to read adult books anymore. :joy: My downtime is spent playing Tri-Peaks!! :heart:


I must admit my dirty little secret. I love vampire romance novels. Just read Dark Sentinel by Christine Feehan


The Go-Giver is one of my favoritest books! (Yes, favoritest).
It’s the story of a young professional (Joe) who is striving for success; but lately it seems like his hard work and efforts are not paying off in terms of results. He inadvertently seeks the mentorship of “The Chairman” then embarks on a learning journey by meeting “Go-Givers” —friends of “The Chairman” .
Through these interactions he learns of the “Five Laws of Stratospheric Success”:

  1. Value: Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.
  2. Compensation: Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.
  3. Influence: Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.
  4. Authenticity: The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.
  5. Receptivity: The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.

I reccomend this book to every person in search of that “next level” of success. This book is Adventurous; Easy to read; Lessons for a lifetime… :blush:


I am currently reading (for the 2nd time) the Harry Potter series. My grandchildren live about 6000
miles from me, so I started reading them when my oldest grandson did to help keep us connected as well as keep up open dialogue. Great books for young teens to grandparents!


Read Alex Cross by James Patterson. He became a favorite along with Agatha Christie.


Despite being over 30 when I read them, I really enjoyed both the Divergent series and the series they based the Shadowhunters tv series off of.


I love to read recency books and very seldom remember the titles the latest series has DUKE in the title Lol


Harry Potter I like reading the series and knowing that his mom was struggling when she started the story I kept reading and watching the movies and haven’t stop reading yet


I love teen books. I’m on the fifth book of mortal instruments. I’m a proud dork!:sunglasses:


Last good book I read, though still reading, is the “Good Book”, the Bible


I read every day. If i’m Not playTriPeaks, I am reading. Or cooking


I am having a hard time remembering the last book I read…and finished. Sad! But I do tend to get caught up in playing games or just whatever. I wish I was more of a book worm! My 25 year old daughter is and always has been. Since before she could read… she would lay in her bed and just look at the pictures and “read” her own story. She literally would get 4-5 books each night to look at. As she learned to read she continued to read out of multiple books at same time. The funny thing about this… my grandma did the same thing! What makes it even more crazy… my daughter was not copying my grandma, unfortunately my grandma passed away when my daughter was only 2. I feel the love of reading was just passed from my grandma to my daughter. They are a lot alike in a lot of ways!