Player Hints & Tips - Reusable Golden Tiki

When you have the golden tiki available, it might be possible to use it more than once if conditions are right.

If there is is a 3 is under a net, tap a 2 or a 4 on the table, which drops to the dead pile, then tap the trapped 3, the 2 or 4 jumps up, breaks the net, then falls away, & you then have Goldie available to use again… over and over until you clear as much as you can.

So far I found this works with net trapped cards, cards with bombs, the totems in Tiki Skies. (If you found it works elsewhere, please let us know)

As a bonus, each time you reuse Goldie, you are not using any cards out of your draw pile, and it all counts towards your streaks.


I do this too. Also, if you have a few cards on top of the Gold Tiki, you can use those for one of those special cards (where you need one of each suit to knock it out). If you’re mindful about building a short streak with one of each suit, then you can use those for that special card, and work back to your Golden Tiki again.


It works anywhere! If you have the extra card pile, it also works moving that over to there.


@Edith_Beach, it doesn’t work with a wave card, because the card with the wave falls down on top of Goldie. :frowning:

And YES, I LOVE it when we have a hold card spot to put Goldie in to use later in the hand!


That is very true, Cindy!


There is a way to reuse the golden tiki with the wave card but I haven’t played around with it enough to figure out how I did it. But I have had it happen during a game just not sure how. I’m thinking gold tiki then wave then throw wave at trap or bomb but not certain. I recently asked my team if anyone knew how to reuse it with the wave card but didn’t find out anything new. Following in hopes of someone more knowledgeable than myself lol.


I also do this … LOVE the GOLDEN tiki, I have however made the mistake of using the wave crasher, and it washes away the poor golden tiki,… so don’t use THAT ONE!!!


If the game has the hold card box…you can move the wave card into that box…and you have your golden tiki back.


Dont use the tiki for the wave card, you will lose it. Instead, use the tiki on a card that is 1 away from the wave. After you hit the wave card, then you can slide it to the hold spot, use it in the totem pole, or use it in the 4 suit special card.


Thank you @James_Grisham!

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I’ve never seen the Golden Tiki (except when I win a game where there were totems). Does this only show up on the higher levels? I’ve completed two whole worlds, but never seen it…

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@Jo_Melis, the golden tiki is available as the first draw card at the beginning of every hand after perk 6 is complete. Also, randomly at any level. It’s very seldom without perk 6 completed.

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Hold card spot? What’s this?


@Starstarbobar Sometimes the 7th (special or surprise) perk contains a hold card [slot]. It is also available at some of the upper levels. It is a placeholder, that sits next to the draw pile face up card. You can either play the face up card, or slide it into the hold card slot to play later. When you want to use it, you trade a face up card with the hold card. Very useful, but really makes me have to think LOL


I once played on a team that never got to perk six which sucked bc I love the gold tiki, would only join teams after that had perk 6 in order to complete early in the order BUT my levels n playing on that team had me in a spot where I was way farther n scoring higher than the team n I did see the golden tiki randomly, same clearing all black or reds or getting the flower blossom, so I’m thinking it may have to do with ur scoring and the amount of time u play…not sure but I know I saw it many times without having six completed.


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I wont grab a wave card while I have the Golden Tiki until after I`ve used it or if there arent any cards to wave away


Omg, how did I not know I could do that. Ugghhhh. Thank you!


Hiya So Sorry to bother you but can I ask what is the Totem Pill all about ? I just reached Skies and not sure how to use it yet :frowning: Do you have to use a card from the suit that it shows?


Yes, the totem has a number, and a suit on it. For example a 5 and a heart. If you 5 heart card showing on your draw pile, you can tap the totem, and that part will turn around. Any 5 will turn the 5 around. A 5 of hearts will turn them both around, to complete the totem.