NEW "Club Notes" option-Need more info

Yesterday something new showed up in my club. It’s called “Club Notes”. Only a couple of us have it but I’m the only one who can write on it. (I’m the leader) Does anyone know anything about this new feature?


Oh good! I was wondering about this, I too have recieved it, but alasss I am the only one in my club that has it and I am not a leader. The only thing I can do is open it, no editing


I have it as well. @CindyLu had me put a test message. If seems to be a freeform box so you can leave static messages for your team that may get lost in chat. I think it was on Friday when I updated, I am an Android user FWIW, that it appeared. As I write this, I am unsure if any on my team have it or can view it.


@jessnc and I also figured out you only get to put 1 message at a time in Club Notes. As soon as you enter another message, the previous one is gone.

Jess, you should see how much of the Gettysburg Address will fit :slight_smile:


I am well at least seem to be the only one who has it. And I have posted more than one message on it and both stayed on it. No one else can see the message but me. So what good is it if no one has it in can see the message.
Would like to know more about it

Its possible they are testing it


I am a leader and don’t have it either. 2 of my co-leaders have it but the 3rd does not. It seems the only people in my club that have it have Android phones. Those of us with Apple phones don’t have it.

What I have been told is only leaders or co-leaders can write notes but everyone can see them. I have about 4-5 regular members who can see the notes but don’t have the option to write in it.

I was told also by my team members who have it that it takes up to 4 notes.

I wish they would have rolled it out at the same time for everyone.


@Darlene_Picou_Delaun, the only problem with rolling it out to everyone at the same time is, if it didn’t work right, they would have 2,000,000 people sending trouble tickets. Ack!

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@Darlene_Picou_Delaun I have an IPhone, so my guess it’s random people that have it :blush:

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I have a question. Do the testers get asked for feedback? I have been a tester before but have never been asked for feedback. I am currently a tester for the club notes (I am the only member who has it) and I would like to give feedback.

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@Sharon_Lindsay not that I have seen, I believe they can see how you use it or maybe it’s calculated somehow. One of our club members has it too. I am a Co-Leader and I can’t see what’s in hers. Hope that answers your question, good luck in the game :blush:

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Thanks. I was just wondering how they know if it works or not if you can’t offer feedback.

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I also noticed the notification you need to be in club area, and the clubhouse has an exclamation point.which is cool of your team checks that section, but my last two teams were ones where it was a rare day ppl clicked on the clubhouse. Active ppl. You can see it from chat, I need to charge my phone. I’ll post a screenshot after


@Sharon_Lindsay, I think their feedback on testing is how many trouble tickets are created :smiley:

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@beachglass66, so you have it and your coleader has it, and you can’t see each other’s?

If so, then maybe the purpose isn’t to message the members. Maybe it’s just so leaders and coleaders can keep notes. I would find that useful too. :slight_smile:

I’m a co-leader & I have it but my leader does not. What I wanted go know is if the entire team can see it or just leaders & coleaders. I think I read in the thread someone who wasn’t a leader or co-leader had if. I’m assumi my then maybe instead of changing the motto to add something or if the team needs a gentle reminder about something it can be put on there. Bc you are right. It’s hard to go back & read through all that chat some times. I guess I’m just curious you will be able to write on it & who will be able to see it. I hate being a tester lol

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I am a tester and not a leader, so the whole team will be able to read notes

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I do not have it but Tracy does, And no I can not see whats in it .

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Ok, I get it, thanks! :slight_smile:

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if you don’t have Club Notes yet, uninstall & reinstall your app! That worked for me :slight_smile: