Looking fore 5k/week club

I have played in a couple of clubs the last year. First an advancing club for the most part but when my life shifted i needed to slow down. But all the other clubs i tried have half the players not doing there share! That means less rewards, less clubgifts less of everyting.

So now I am looking for a club that has a 5k req. per week and at the end of week sort out those who hasnt lived up.
I want to be dedecated, i check in every day and i read the chat. I want to play both tributes and new areas.
Is there a club outthere for me?

OMgosh @BellaMios, I completely understand that life happens! Our clubs are set up so our members always have a home even when that’s the case. When you have more time to play, you can move into one of our clubs that earns more perks. When you have less time, we have clubs that will welcome you.

We have spaces available in p4p3 and p4p4, both require less points. We still have members who make great points in those clubs, (and will never move because they don’t pay attention to chat lol) so the club still does well at the end of the week.

Here is more about us:
Join the Play4perks Menagerie

If you request to join, let me know here, so I’m sure to accept you :slight_smile:

Hey, Bella! It sounds like you’re looking for the same expectation that made me open a new club today. Want to play regularly, but not insanely intense, but also expect that dead weight will be weeded out in a timely fashion. I’ll tend to that each day if it lets me!

I’m looking for players who can catch us 10 tributes each day and average 1000 club points per day. An idle 18 hours gets someone booted if they didn’t leave us a note.

Would love to see you at
Lyn’s Uk aLe

Hey Bella our club was quite good but we’ve lost a few players recently and gained some who can’t do the simple things like get tributes, click the free gift and play along with the team. Simple rules. And we know everyone has a life, so we give 2 days idle time before removing anyone as long as they are normally good players. Come on over and try us out. Steelers Pride

Hi Bella, may I suggest that you look at the casual clubs. 5k a week is nothing. Our club requires 6k a day and we’re Diamond.

Hi BellaMios!
If you are stil looking for a club we would be honored to have you on our team. Our club is Brits r us 1 and we enjoy playing. Don’t hesitate to join us. Let me know your thoughts either way.

Hey we would love to have you with us send in the request we are payied back need to get club points and tributes daily and we are a gold league club

Hi all!
I have found the right club for me. Hage thanks to those of you that offerts me a spot in their team!

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Hi I’m in winners only and we are looking for a new club member. 35k per week sounds like you would be perfect for us. Jill