I'm new at playing this game....where in the world do I purchase red boosters and what exactly do the do? Thank you!

Where do I purchase the red boosters and what exactly do they do?

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@KBT Red boosters double your red stars by 2…

… on the bottom left of your game you’ll see leader board click on that & it takes you to the same in the pic… hope this helps

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@KBT You cannot purchase red star boosters. You get them in gifts and they can be in your daily club bonus from completing a perk, or catching poi…etc.


Thank you so very much for taking the time to answer my question!


Thank you so very much for taking the time to explain this to me!

@LisaAnn you can purchase red star boosters i do often


@Mags, I was not aware of this. Where can one go to purchase them? I apologize for the incorrect information!

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@LisaAnn, on the pic that @Mags posted earlier, where it says “Use Booster” if you have no free boosters, it’ll probably say “Buy Booster” - although I’m not entirely sure, as they changed the layout not that long ago & I have free boosters. It was .99 c for one, or more for $4.99


@cindylu, ok I see. That’s why I didn’t know that, because I have built up many red boosters. Thanks for solving the mystery!


CindyLu I have never been given the chance to buy more than 1 red star booster at a time. Are you sure about this?


That might be a thing of the past. When I first started playing about a year ago, & before they changed the whole leaderboard, I remember having an option to spend $4.99, but I don’t remember how many boosters that would get… I only went for the .99 deal.

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I love using the red boosters for the star board. the higher you finish the more you get! To me it is just another challenge/twist to the game!


I’ve really started getting into the Red Star element of the game! I didn’t know that you could buy them tho, probably because I have always had them and never run out.


CindyLu, Thanks for the info as I didnt know you can purchase Red Star.

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That’s still how it works on mine too.

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LOVE the red stars!!! :smiley:

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I have been playing for only a few weeks and I am still unsure how red stars are earned. Is it only when you win a game AND do it under the time allotted? Thanks.

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@joanp62, every Sunday night (inn my timezone, red stars reset, and everybody playing has 0 stars earned.

Every hand you play, you can earn red stars for

  1. completing the hand
  2. speed (with time left on the timer)
  3. streaks (3 five card streaks)

Normally you can earn 3 red stars per hand.

If you use a 2x booster, you get twice as many red stars for each hand, which will help you get higher on the leaderboard.

& yes, if you don’t win the hand, you don’t get any red stars.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


Thank you. I just want to get one thing straight. You can get a red star for completing the hand, even if you are over the time limit? Because that’s not what it looks like for me. I see 3 red star areas below the gold stars where a red star can be. I have completed hands and still did not receive a red star. So my question is, is simply completing that hand and being able to move on to the next level enough to get a red star or do you also need to finish with time left as well?

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@joanp62, yes, you should be getting a red star for completing the hand. The star on the left is for hand completing, the middle is for with time, and the right is for streaks.

Note. If you really want the time star, and have run out of time, and have a time booster available on that hand, you can buy time & complete the hand to get the time star. It doesn’t matter how long you have been out of time. I wait until I have 1 card remaining on the board, then use the time booster. :slight_smile: