Friend Centre Coin Sharing

TriPeaks, it would be really nice, if you would please allow us to give coins to all of our Club’s members whenever needed. We have no way to get medallions anymore and this would help us so much.
Like today our challenge is up to 200 hearts to obtain the chest challenge. Since barrels are on all levels, I am all out of coins already,
Thank you. Please give it serious consideration.


I think your suggestion or something along the lines of it would be a great idea. Perhaps the leader and co leaders having access to a bank of items that can be given to players for achieving certain things within their team; for example being the first to max on a club quest, achieving the most tributes/clubpoints within a certain amount of time. If we have the ability to share with each other that would also be great something beyond the friend centre. I have often thought it would be useful especially for players with a lot of coins to be able to purchase items in the store with their coins similar to the way we do with gems. If we could pay a certain amount for a pack of red stars or medallions etc. I also think it would be useful to have cards that could be given that were a specifically for use on tribute levels to encourage players to complete these.
Have you sent your ideas through the contact centre?
Great ideas I hope they put something in practice. :grinning:


I’m a new player and I’ve been sharing, but not sure how this works? Seems like if I share first which is my way, then I have to wait 4 hrs to request coins and I forget to come back lol


@Gizzy welcome to the Forum. You can have up to 30 friends. Every 4 hours you click on “ASK” and that sendas a request to all of your friends m. Up to 5 friends can each send you 3000 coins each. If and when you get them will depend on who is active if logged in playing the game and sees/responds to your request. You should get a “red” explanation (!) mark over the friendly centre when (a) it is time for you to request (b) you have received coins © someone has sent to a request. I check frequently, even when the red ! isn’t there as it does not always show for me when there is a request, coins or time to ask. Make sure you fill up your friends list; your team mates are a good place to start.

Don’t forget you can get free coins, boosters and sometimes chests on Facebook, your free coins every 20 mins and congratulate everyone who has won the Jackpot. After so many congratulations you get a free medallion to drop for a chance to win the Jackpot. If you do not win you can get coins, boosters etc. Just a few different ways of keeping the coins coming in.

Good luck and I hope you are enjoying playing the game. This is a great place to come to for tips and to learn different aspects of the game.

Team “the Pokémon Go”


Actually I didn’t know testing was over, I could have sworn it made me wait seven hours within the last day, but since it varied so much it would take quite a few days to know if they were done if they don’t announce it.
Doesn’t seem fair that everyone isn’t treated the same but I didn’t fuss about it.
I like a lot about the game but some levels seem you have to spend money or waste boosters to get through. I hate when I boosters don’t enable even one card play.

No, testing is not done apparently. I can only get 1,000 coins per friend!!! I feel very targeted, as I have only been playing for 7 days. Why me? No one else on my team has it. : (

I had 1 player on my team that was in the same situation as you. She just last week got placed on the ask 4 hours 15k so I would Email them through the game by clicking help, to find out if testing is in fact finished, also is your game updated, and if it is, uninstall and reinstall as long as your game is tied to Facebook you will not lose your progress, you will have to go through the tutorial all over again.

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@Sunshine67, Tracy might not realize this, but even if your game isn’t tied to Facebook, your progress is stored on your device. So when you uninstall and reinstall, you will not lose your progress. Please go ahead and try that! We all want to know if the friend center is done doing word things!


What if I have had it since I started? (8days ago) The 1,000 coins per friend. Would uninstalling/reinstalling still work?

PS. Support did not help. Said “testing different variations.”

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Well! You learn something new every day! I did not know that!


@Sunshine67, I’m hoping that uninstalling and reinstalling will put you on the same page as the majority of us. :crossed_fingers:
Did you try it yet?

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Eres un encanto … que bien te explicas !!! :+1:t2::heart_eyes::heart::heart:

CindyLu: I am scared to. What if I lose everything? I couldn’t make a new facebook account because I already have an old one.

PS: I really appreciate your advice!


Thank you I’m new to the game so thanks for this it don’t take long to go thru coins

@Sunshine67, I have uninstalled and reinstalled at least 100 times without a problem!


Here is one of many tip categories! Good luck and enjoy the game!


@Miguel todos los moderadores son encantadores Miguel :hugs: comparten algunos buenos consejos !!

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Wont help in my case. Support is doing it to me. Said “still testing” just a day ago. : (

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Keep our fingers crossed that this ends soon for you!


Bummer @Sunshine67 :cry: