Friend Center Testing

Seriously how much longer do we have to be punished with the supposed friend center testing? Its so frustrating not to complete quest or make club min


I know @Lorettalux - I really really really miss my 60,000 free coins a day before they started the friend center, and completely understand how you feel.

It’s still free coins though, and while so good while it lasted, I didn’t see anything that promised them forever. We are still getting free coins, so that’s a good thing. :slight_smile: I’m hoping their testing shows we love them more when they give more!!! LOL


Free coins for 3 minutes of play. Hah! Ok. It’s been 3 months now that I have to wait 8 hours to ask for coins. My husband still on 4…it upsets him (and me) that I have to wait so long…and that it’s a never ending test. He has a hard enough time losing his free coins in record time! It’s always one card left. The testing is a totally wrong way to approach making more money for their company. 3 month test and more and different tests all the time. We play the game, their game is to play us! How smart is that! Wouldn’t want to grow the participation in the game. Oh brother (head smack) lol. I think I read where someone bought them. Someone running games thinks they are the smartest person in the world. We used to call it the Golden boy/girl…ruins the whole company. I just spend what I got and go on to the other games I have. We will never spend a penny in this game again. Just not as fun to play…more of a stressor :wink: IMO. I can’t imagine anything good coming out of a 3++ mth test. And I’m an optimist too Cindy Lou! Reading comments on their Facebook page I’m not the only one that feels like this now. Sad.


Curious if anyone asked them what they are “testing” exactly. I’m assuming someone must have, and if so what the reply was. I’m assuming (again) it was a generic response with no real answers. I’m going to ask them anyways but still curious about others.
And didn’t they promise us MORE coins with this friends center? Like “if we timed it just right with our friends…blah blah blah… we’d get more.” I really feel for the ones who have to wait 8 hours, and others even 12.
Honestly, they don’t owe us anything BUT to promise one thing and go against that irks me. Just because it’s free doesn’t make that right. It’s dishonest and a turn off. Sad because a lot of us REALLY love this game (or what it use to be). I guess that’s why it’s so hard to just leave the game and why so many are ticked off. I’ve been playing for 3 1/2 years and deleting it isn’t as easy as you’d think. Getting fed up though and closer everyday to just giving up.
Sorry for venting -eek.


Hello everyone I’m lierally in Mermaid Manor and they still haven’t activated my friend center yet is this normal??? Somebody help me get my friends center open as I’m missing out and I’m number 3 in my club shakes head at this damn game again thanks for listening and a possible answer too cheers everyone kimmi


Sadly I did give up. I left a fantastic team as well but I just wasn’t having any fun at all! :confused:


So I was blessed with the coin reduction a few months ago and today now they also changed my Shrine options. Now they added these 500 coin spots instead of the question marks. I left a club because I could not keep up playing at their level because of my coin loss and now it’s worse. I won’t pay and they know that. I will just play on my own when I feel like it. The changes are rediculous and also the ads are paying less and more frequent. So they make enough of of them.


I have been on the 8 hr plan for friends for 3 months now too…and now my jackpot shrine has been changed…it is now useless…I am sure my club will kick me out soon due to not being able to max on the club quests…I am about done


@Corn Mine has been that way for awhile. Very slim chance of getting any boosters. That’s what costs the most too.


Yes . I guess they do not make money off of us so they do not care what we say


Yes however even that’s becoming hit and miss shakes head at them and shakes finger in they’re direction and says you all make enough off of us as it is you can go back to the originals the old shrine and the first friends center and stop fixing what ain’t brokted lol​:bomb::boom::right_anger_bubble::wink:


Only my Facebook profile is every 8 hours my non Facebook profile is literally every 4 hours still however not on my new profile they haven’t even given to me yet shakes head who do I talk to about this as I’ve shared it enuff times with there feedback page yanno

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You guys realize that this “testing” term is bogus right? Eventually, everyone will be at 8 hours just like eventually everyone’s Treasure Shrine will have the new configuration that never gives you anything good and steals your coins. These aren’t temporary changes. Contact them and complain, but I doubt it will do any good. They only thing they are “testing” is what to do to make you have less coins and boosters so you’ll buy them.


I knew that too . I do not pay . There is no reason to think of what they could be testing . They are prob reading all these complaints and just having a good laugh at everyone knowing nothing will change


Yeah well I’ve paid out the wazoo for coinage but I had the money however now I see I’m just fueling they’re fire yanno

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Yeah punishing us that do not pay. Have they changed your coin share or shrine?

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I am in total agreement! This feels like a punishment!

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Mine is 9000 coins from 3 friends every 4 hours. Not good. Why did i recruit all these friend center friends then?

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I’m waiting 7hrs to receive friends coins. It is definitely harder 2 finish 5 card plays. It does sux waiting. I do wish testing ends soon 2. I have seen my teammates have to wait longer than I have. I agree it is fustrating. Sad as well. I can’t afford 2 spend on game. Barely make it thru each month. B cool 2 have $ 2 spend on any game I play. Hopefully b good luck 4 us soon. This testing thing game doing b better. I have serious doubtsb better 4 us gamers. :purple_heart:

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I used to be 5 friends every 4 hrs. Then it changed to 5 friends every 8 hrs. Now today it appears to be 4 friends every 8 hrs. WTF. Just change the sh*t back to the 5 friends every 4 hrs and you’re done with your testing!!!