Friend Center Testing

Found Poi deleted today now too and shrine payout changed. They don’t care because you can’t delete your account. You can just stop playing. They still show all these players to their ad companies for more money even if you leave.

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Yeah well I’m in serenity springs and there is no poi and there’s no where for me to go and itz just foggy oh so foggy lol and when I asked them what or how they were going to compensate me they returned with well our tech writers haven’t finished it yet and I was all well how am I supposed to catch poi on his double day and then they stopped getting back to me. Shakes head in disgust as I dont even have a friend center and I’m on rainbow reef lol um and you know that they’re laughing at us just wanting our money to advance and there’s no place for me to advance to lol omg I just cant believe that is all they have to say to a loyal paying customer is a generic response and that’s all I have to say about that I an a lil p!$$3d off at the whole thing I’m telling you all if they paid me back all of the coinage Ive lost over the years I’d be set forever lol FOREVER and not only that I cant believe that this is they’re page and they do nothing but read these and laugh at us you know they do anyways I’m outty

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Let me clarify that as I have 2 profiles the one that i started the game with and the one I log onto Facebook with and the one I log onto Facebook with I’m on serenity springs I’m sorry I should have said that to begin with however on the one that I started the game with still doesn’t have the friend center

I too have been playing without the benefit of a friend center & it sucks!! So all of you who have free coins via the friend center have more then some of us that they decided not to give a friend center at all!! The response from them being, "you are part of a test group that has been randomly selected. Please be patient. " I started playing in mid November 2019 & still no friend center & still the same response from them. How long will this testing go on??


It’s completely unfair. Sony buys out gsn, adjusts app, makes it worse, using us long term players to see how to make more. They couldn’t care less about loyalty, They are gonna lose lots of $$$$$ from fed up spenders. I’m considering demanding an audit for accounting of all charity, to see how much actually goes to the charities. This whole coin share 8 hour so called test is suspicious. Gone on way too long, well over a month. Tests aren’t that long. :^/ We want our fun game back. <3

That 8 hour coin share is a rip off joke. It wants me to help up to 7 instead of 5. Seriously messed up the fun. :’/

Didn’t get to catch poi because of their unfair changes. We play well but lacking coins they are deliberately causing unhappiness. Hope t2hry fix it or their big spenders will find another outlet for their generosity.

I have my account linked to Facebook with no friend center. Started playing without logging in and bam. I have the friend center for that one. These app developers are a joke. I get the same excuse. Testing bahahahah. I just keep reporting it as often as I can or feel like it

I agree it’s not fair. And we also should be able to watch as many ads as we want to​:heart::heart::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

I asked, I don’t think the Game people tell the Help people what they are doing…ever.
There was no testing, only testing us !

Yup, that’s what it looks like.

I’m still not buying this testing excuse. It doesn’t make any sense. This “testing” seems to be over now but yet nothing has changed. Or am I missing something?

It looks like testing is over (at least for everyone I’ve talked to - and seen in these posts). If you can now get for help from 5 friends every 4 hours, it’s over for you too.

@Brenda_Bear, do you not have that again yet? Or maybe nothing has changed, because you weren’t one of the testers?

CindyLu …oh, no no. I meant nothing has changed as in we are all back to where we started (5 friends / 15k). I was at 3 friends / 4 hours for testing, but I’m all set now.
So what was the purpose of testing? I know you don’t know either but it makes no sense.

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Ooh, I get it, nothing has changed - better or worse than when they started testing.

My thoughts are, when they think of implementing a new feature, they test it with some players first. That seems to be common practice. If they have different variations of that feature, they can test this before giving it to everyone.

However, with the Friend Center, they had to give it to everyone at the same time, and wasn’t able to test it first. I can only imagine the turmoil if some people were testing the Friend Center while everyone else was still collecting Help coins from FB friends - or in addition to collecting from FB friends.

So they had to implement it for everyone at the same time, without testing - then test different variations.

It looks like they found 5 friends every 4 hours worked the best. YAY!

See now why would they be testing to see which amount worked best when they promised us more coins through the friend center verses collecting the 60k through Facebook? Through this testing some were saying they were missing out on 30k. I dunno. This testing happened when Sony took over (along with changing the shrine) and it seems shifty to me. Why they didn’t explain what they were doing is beyond me. It’s a free game and all, they don’t really owe us anything, but common courtesy goes a long way. Most people would have (probably / hopefully) responded with more patience if they were upfront and open about what they were doing. Oh, man, I could go on and on. Haha sorry. I’m not trying to be a “B” or fight. It’s the being shifty part that gets to me. I’m fighting off wanting to ditch this game just because of that. It’s not like I’m hurting for coins or anything. Thanks for letting me babble though. lol