Club Spotlight: TikiNative

It’s kind of fitting that this Club’s hardest working member is “Guest”, as this Club is focused on inclusivity, enjoyment of the game, and fun. Perhaps the simple presence of the unknown “Guest” keeps this Club both humble and casual.

Read the full story here:

And then - for a chance at FIVE FREE WILD CARDS - tell us a situation where YOU’VE done something totally anonymously to either help someone or to possibly help someone in the future. FIVE players who ACTUALLY ANSWER THE QUESTION will be chosen at random on Friday afternoon to receive the freebies. (Comments that don’t relate to the question will be disqualified).

For me, I was once driving on a pretty remote road alone. I came up to a big tree branch blocking most of the road. My car was small enough where it would fit around, but I got out and moved the branch. It was NOT easy, and took me about 20 minutes to get it actually all the way off the road. But I had time, and hopefully that small act saved someone else some time.

Thanks everyone who answers! I always enjoy reading your responses on Friday!



I make sure and donate blood at least 3 times a year:mask:


I was grocery shopping and saw an elderly woman having trouble finding what she needed. I ended up helping her through out the store and to her car. I even gave her a few coupons I had. Made her day.


I donated eggs so that a family member could have a baby. She actually had babieS. They just graduated high school last year. It was very rewarding for me and fulfilled her dream to be a mother. :heart:


I anonymously paid for food for people I did not know at a restaurant.


I take special children to the park. We also help feed the need.


I anonymously mail gift cards at Christmas to families from my school that I know are struggling.


I work as a teacher. Once I fixed a scholarship to a student without his notice. Today he is playing in the highest league in the country in his sport. I smile everytime I see him on tv :slight_smile:


I saw a dog running loose on a main road with the owners trying to catch it so I blocked the road my side and got out to try to help, this also got a driver on the other side of the road to do the same. I can safely say we managed to catch the dog safely and there was some understanding drivers also helping (the couldn’t go anywhere anyway :joy::joy:) a very happy owner


Saw a homeless person asleep with bad weather coming. I am on fixed income but I could afford a blue tarp so I just went up and left it on top of his cart so when he woke up he could cover up.


We were visiting a Goodwill store and met a dad with a set of triplets that were celebrating their birthday. Dad was buying them each a birthday present and a gummy hamburger set to share. My husband and I were chatting with them and wishing them a happy birthday. My husband and I reached at the same time for more gummy candy treats and bought them so everyone had their own. It was obvious Dad was doing what he could to make their day the best he could! My husband was so sweet. He told them they were the first triplets he had ever met and could he buy them a gift.


I found a $20 bill in the parking lot about ten years ago. I re could have used the no st to buy groceries, but I went back in and turned in the bill.It made me smile to imagine helping the person who lost it!


We give alot to the salvation army


I dont we are in a place and time for no reason , i was at a local tire store and was sitting in a rocking chair between an elderly couple . Now to set the stage walter was just out of the hospitol for pancres surgerey and dorth was hard of hearing , so every thing i said to walter had to be repeated , boy did that pass the time . So dorthy ask of i was a vet and i said i wasnt but i thinked walter for his service and she went on to say how they were looking to have a organization to come mow while walter recovered , and i said no need just point me to the house and ill be there , and she went on to point in the direction of were they lived ,lol and the moral is in life dont wear blinders . You are put in a place and time for a reason . People will be in your life for a day a week a month or even years ,but ask them hows things at home ,is there anything you can help with ,some people or to pridefull to ask for help ,but wont turn it down if asked .


I donate to missions regularly thru church. Either food, clothing, etc. I help others whenever I find out they need help.


Some people I know are on VERY low income. A few years ago at Christmas time I discovered they could not afford to buy ANY festive foods and we’re having sausage and beans for Christmas dinner.
I was SO upset for them but, 3 days before Christmas a HUGE hamper was delivered to the home. Turkey, ham, chocolates, cakes, fruit, plum pudding, etc as well as all the basics. Flowers too and some small gifts for the children. This has become an annual delivery to their family for 6 years now but to this day they have NO IDEA where these hampers come from!


I anonymously pick 2 families at Christmas and do secret Santa! I also always pay for coffee at Dunkin for police and military


I always like to leave coupons at the grocery store for people to use—I leave them next to the item-I’m sure that every little bit helps!


I have been helping people for over 30 yrs lead a healthier life by creating small lifestyle changes.


Une équipe formidable, c est top!!!