Club Spotlight: TikiNative

One morning on my way to work, I went through a drive through to get a biscuit and coffee for breakfast. After my purchase, I drove out of line and saw a homeless woman with her cart and suddenly I had a feeling come over me that I was supposed to give her my breakfast which I did. She was so appreciative and it made me wonder just how long it had been since she had eaten. At least for one day, she had a good meal.


Me and my daughters were having lunch around Christmas. I overheard the lady at the next table tell her children they could not have dessert because she needed to have money for a tree. When we left we paid for their food with money for dessert and left before she knew. I am so proud of my children


My daughter and I gather and buy items throughout the year to fill shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child who then distributes to children around the world. We have done it together for the last 10 years. Last year, we donated enough items to fill 50 shoeboxes!


I believe in acts of kindness and in helping those in need. As a Christian, the Bible commands us to help others so I do when the need arises or a door is opened. I prefer not to be specific because it is done in humility.


Every year in September I donate my time and gift certificates and also find bands to play for a charity fundraising event Candlelighters in Eugene OR. Is an organization for local kids with cancer and their families here in Oregon. at the end of the day we count the money that we have raised and hand it over to the candle lighters that same day.


I try to pay it forward when ever possible. I may not have a lot of money or an abundance of material things but what I do have I know is potentially more than someone else may have. If i see someone struggling I will do my best to help in any way. I have given my last 2 dollars to an elderly man at the grocery store who was trying to buy cat food for his beloved cat. He was so upset that he didn’t have enough money and the thought of his cat not eating devastated him. I asked him if he had anything for himself to eat and he said “No young lady but that’s okay. I JUST NEED TO FEED MY CAT!” I went and got him a can of soup and a can of cat food and paid for them and when I handed them to Him I said, " Here you are, sir. Now you and your cat can eat together!" You would have thought I gave this man a million dollars by his gratitude. Which was priceless to me :cat::heart:


I was at Dunkin’ Donuts drive thru and saw a car of state police behind me. I paid for their order while paying for my own.


My husband and i went to a cancer patient’s house and raked his leaves and mowed his grass because he was unable to do it himself.


I’ve been giving prints of my artwork to a local homeless man to sell. Nobody knew where my prints were, just that there was a mystery seller, and the rule was that you can’t share where you found him.
He managed to pay for a hostel for three weeks, and last week he moved into emergency accommodation :slight_smile:


He kept 100% of profits.


I like to pay it forward by paying for someone’s lunch in the car behind me at a drive-through. I know they appreciate it, and blessings always find me! :two_hearts:


I once went to a cash advance store at Christmas and asked the manager if she knew a customer in need but could not get an advance. I left a gift telling her to get it to that customer. Not only did she assure me she would, but the customer sent me a thank you card without signing it. Just said she was so grateful to receive the gift because she was able to buy her mother a gift for Christmas. She was a single parent. It blessed me abundantly.


Today we did donate babyfood to family,s who needed it


Bo zależy mi na wygranej!

I was driving on a busy city street and saw a homeless man sitting on the curb in front of a McDonalds. He looked so sad. My daughter and I had just been to the park and we had a backpack filled with snacks and water. I said we should help him. We drove thru McDonalds and purchased a meal to add to the backpack. We gave the man the backpack and even though his eyes were sad, he smiled at us. We just wanted to give him a little help in what was clearly a tough day in his life.


Twice a week I go through the Dunkin’ Donuts drive through and pay for the person behind me coffee. Someone did it for me once in the morning and it made me smile


I occasionally buy the coffee for the person behind me in the drive through Tim Horton’s, I also have cooked a turkey for Christmas for the home that helps kids that are homeless


I saw a car broken down on the side of the road and I called road side assistance to help them out.


I went and bought a weeks worth of groceries and a Visa gift card for essentials and had them delivered to a good friend of mine who because of medical issues couldn’t work and was struggling to get bye.


I have paid for and elderly couples breakfast at a restaurant while there with my husband.