Club Spotlight: N the Zone

Sometimes laughter is the best medication. From the looks of it, this Club’s collective sense of humor is definitely “N the Zone” for this Club Leader, who appreciates a little rolling on the floor laughing.

Read the full story here:

Then, describe a time where an unexpected laugh turned your frown upside down. For me, it was right after college, and I just went through a breakup with my college girlfriend at the time, and I was pretty heartbroken and anxious about the future. Some friends hosted a game night, and we played THE CrAzIeSt game of Monopoly ever. I don’t remember any of the jokes or what made it so crazy and funny, but it was precisely what I needed at the time.

NOW YOU! :wink:

We’ll be choosing five people at random who answer this question in the comments below with FIVE FREE WILD CARDS on Friday morning. :slight_smile:


Our daily was up all night playing the game of things we were all so tired we couldn’t help but laugh at everything


When my grandson told his Mom to find someone else to spank. He was so serious. We couldn’t help but laugh.


I’m here for the free wild cards!


Having a rough day at work. Coworker made me laugh and spit out my drink everywhere


After a really long study session long into the night we were walking back to the car in a dark and foggy parking lot only to hear this weird clicking and almost chirp like sound… freaked us out till we got closer to find it was a big deer which freaked us out more till we got to the car and laughed for a solid 5 minutes at the chirping deer :joy::joy::joy:


Talking to my dog about the cards that I’m dealt…yikes if she answers me…lol


My sister was moving in with her girlfriend and my grandson who is 6 very seriously told her not to because she could be a serial killer. We all laughed so hard! I told my grandson that if she came up missing we would know who to question.


I am always playing with my dog on the caugh


My niece was killed recently after having her third child a week prior which was a horrific time for our family but getting her children and knowing that they are ok and they will know their mother turn made it better somehow


My daughter cane home from nursery one day with this
Did you hear about the Italian chef who died?
He pasta way :grimacing::joy::joy::joy: we were in hysterics
That and her snail varnish joke :crazy_face:


Grandson made his GPa and me go into his toy cottage and my knees locked up and had heck on of time getting back out


Actually, today. My husband and I are off this week and we were Spring cleaning, listening to old albums. (Yes, as in vinyl) We were listening to the Steve Miller band and a song came on and they were singing about eating hot chili, lol. We were like woooowwww, that is too funny!


Gimme those wild cards!!! Love this game!

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I’m addicted to this game

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Staying up wee hour hours with my Grandkids watching funny videos trying not to laugh and that just makes us laugh more. :joy:.


My dad used to take out the trash in his underwear as my school bus would pass by. All the kids on the bus would say Theres Libbys dad in his underwear! I didnt care we all laughed pretty hard


Heel erg bedankt …ik heb veel plezier aan het spel en elke dag weer een nieuwe uitdaging …


One year my son got a hampster. A few days later, I hear my son screaming his jead off at pur big dumb dog because somehow je got the hampater in his mouth, and it was lying on the ground looking dead. I picked it up and there was no movement, so I set it down in the cage and held my son to console him. As we cried, suddenly we hear something, look together at the cage and see the hampster runn8ng in its wheel! We both burst out laughing at our mistake about its death!


I would love some Wild Cards but I would also love this awesome game better if some could fix all glitches and I can’t trust this game when I get thrown out or waiting over 98 hours for a response about why I don’t get my money back for what I purchased.