Chat, what's that?

One of the biggest challenges to building a great team who all work together is that a high number of players don’t look at the chat. It’s been a long time since I was a new player, does tripeaks include an introduction to the chat triangle during the “this is that” tutorial?

If not, maybe that would be helpful.

If so, maybe members who like badges would like a “Chat” badge and figure out how to get one.

Or maybe make the triangle bright yellow. I personally can’t imagine not noticing the 3 dancing dots, but players have mentioned in other forums that they didn’t know chat was there.


That’s always been an issue with our team. If they don’t read chat, there is no way to keep them by working as a team. I don’t know how they cannot at least be curious as to what the dots are for.


I know right? I even check chat in the middle of a hand because the dots call to me!


I completely agree about a chat tutorial. There are tutorials everytime there is a new type of card introduced, so there should be a mandatory tutorial for chat.


How about an island with a large sign “Chat” pointing to that arrow?


Mandatory tutorial for chat if you haven’t chatted for a certain amount of time. And also a mandatory tutorial about chat before you can play the first level.


Me too CindyLu! Must be my OCD! :grinning:

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I’m pretty sure I’m OCD too @elmolee LOL

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Yes something to make them see it maybe even flash red instead of white people pay more attention to red I feel so might be that simple I didn’t know about chat for about 3 weeks before I was like what is this flashing for n wala I found chat lol


There already IS a chat tutorial. In the game, >Menu>Help, scroll down to #5 clubs, chat is the third one down. Now, if they only had a sign inside the game directing people to go read about what to do in the game.


I have been playing this game every day, multiple times a day, for over a year, and never noticed a chat! I will look now!


Yay @Ontariolisa! My sister played for a while and didn’t notice there was a chat either! One of the best kept secrets in the game! LOL Welcome to the forum, hope you are finding it useful!


I agree about chat my 1st club didn’t use it so I didn’t know about it until right before I left that one and joined another who uses it. Also isn’t there a way to send a private message to someone. I know I’ve received invites to clubs. Is it just that, or could I use it to do thing like notify club leader I’ll be idle for over 24 hours

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There are no private messages. Our club has a Facebook group. But if you don’t have a Facebook group tell your leader in chat.

Yes, you can use chat to tell the leader you won’t be able to play. In my clubs, we require contact info for each player, just in case. Several times when a member has been idle over our max. idle time, I have contacted and found that member ill or couldn’t play for whatever reason. I have been able to keep several players because of that.


I too having a way outside the game to contact people, and have been able to keep several members for that reason… and was able to recover one member, who accidently left! whew! :smiley:

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Do you use email for a contact? We use Facebook but guess is the person is ill they might not even check FB. I don’t think I would send anyone my phone number.

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Most of our club members are on FB. I set up an email address just for Tripeaks, that forwards to my regular email address. In a year and a half only 1 email was sent there.

I just (last night), asked that anyone who doesn’t want to Facebook, please join this forum so we have a way to contact each other outside of the game. :slight_smile:


I wish there was away to message someone in the club privately. Especially the leader and the co-leaders should be able to communicate with each other.


I am a coleader. We use Facebook messenger with just us. We have a Facebook page (closed group) group for our team. Helps out a lot! @MACDULAY

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