Campfire Memories: Spooky Story! 4/16/2020

Playing “Light as a feather, Stiff as a board” lol

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Booooo. - I’m going to kill you!

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The woman who died on a bridge and she would come and haunt the bridge on the day every year where she died.

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Walking to the lake to go canoeing get into the canoe row out it flips over we drown

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While camping in a tent i kept hearing a scratching noise right outside. I was afraid but my husband kept telling me it was leaves against the side of my tent. The next morning he told our fellow campers that a skunk visited us during the night. “You told me that was leaves!”, i said. He said if I’d known it was a skunk he’d never have been able to sleep.


We were all sitting around the campfire in the dark when we heard this noise in the weeds and it was getting louder and closer!!!

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Blair witch projects I hate camping

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It’s snowing and cold ad hell.

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A lady comes up to me for a ride saying she is stranded, 2 weeks later same lady comes up to my sister same place and same story.

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I here the most Weird and wonderful noises when camping making me think something is watching out there :scream: twigs snapping, leaves crunching sounds I love in the daylight but not in the dark :flushed:

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La llorona would be waiting outside our window
ready to take us away if we didd not go to sleep.


Gone missing from campsite no trace of again


Love to camp. Smores stories and friends and family.

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Sitting around having a few beers and telling actual ghost stories. Won a trip to “Hell” didn’t tell us where we were going. Ended up in Hell Michigan. Hayride and big campfire.


Once upon a time there was no toilet paper but beer still on the the shelves remained full so we had a few more things to deal with.


All I have is that the team is a heck of a team because they wouldn’t even though I have this virus I tried to play in the hospital but could not play that much and was not kicked out this is not good enough then do not like it that’s fine

I love this game​:blush::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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A campfire is always quiet and the outdoors is always the best. Especially the fresh air

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At Girl Scout Camp, some one told us about a haunted cornfield north of town where there had been a plane crash, the passengers died and haunted the cornfield .

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The day the world stopped when the bat killed millions by just being a bat