A way for everyone to get the readers badge

want to earn the “Reader Badge” but unfortunately there isn’t any topics with more than 100 replies! So why don’t we all work on this one together by replying with our team name (if you want) your favorite level or how long you’ve been playing or even any helpful little tips to help others anything you’d like. Trying to get at least 100 replys :))


Got this idea from another post I saw and it worked. Which is awesome.

My names Amber im in a group called the hut… I love this game… one tip is its better to loose than keep using coins to buy more card you end up spending more than you win… hoping ppl share tips for everybody weather you’re new to the game or you’ve been playing a while… also it’s better to loose and try again than to keep buying cards you end up loosing alot more coins and most of the time you don’t win more than you spent.

You don’t have to reply with that much just trying to give some examples thank you everybody!! :slight_smile:


Its best to never post fab levels as seems once the game sees the post the level changes and becomes harder to win. We just post in club chat😊


Just started playing not long ago and I am totally addicted. Lol


Thank you so very much sorry :confused:

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Fixed it lol I’m so glad you caught that and let ne know

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Thank you everybody we need over 100 comments at least to get the reader badge even if you just post your teams name or how long you’ve been playing I didn’t mean to post all of that just giving examples you can post a helpful tip anything you’d like we just need to get over 100 reply and we can get the readers badge but also a good way for everyone to learn new tips and stuff of we can get enough ppl to reply!

Tip can be about game or even the forum I’m also new to the forum any tips doesn’t matter would be so awesome!!! Thank yall!!


Here’s a tip, about every we have the option to win in the 'club shop’s, n all we have to do is click on ‘enable’ (I think is the word, or it mite be ‘activate’). We r notified evtime it’s available, BUT, enuff club members need to click on it, or no1 wins it… keep on eye on it n watch ur inbox… TY


Thank you for the tips

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Where do I postanything?

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Hi and welcome @Micahel

If you are wanting to help @AmberLynn22, you just did, by replying to her post. (And me too now since I replied lol)

If you are wondering how to post to this forum, here’s a tutorial:

Forum Help - Posting a New Topic, or Posting to an existing Topic


Do your badge have to have a green check mark to mean you’ve got it?

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Not on the screen I’m looking at - no check mark