Monkey - what are you in for?
Pig - playing a game
while driving on my phone. I had to collect my coins.

Order in the court? Ok, I’ll have some ham and monkey brains!

Judge: I do NOT care what your argument is. I will find you not guilty WHEN PIGS FLY!

Your Honor, if at first I don’t succeed, I’ll try try again!

Is that my bathroom rug the judge is wearing on his head?

Order! We will have order in the court!
Including you lil piggy.

Pig to monkey……On my cue, I need you to squeal like a pig!!

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Pigs can fly…did I read that right? Yes you did. Pigs can fly? did I read that right, again, yes you did…OBJECTION! Hearsay

The monkey is curious he stuck his hand in the piggy bank, stole the coins, the monkey is a busy body, he’s guilty can’t finish the game without those coins

Oops, I did it again…playing Solitaire TriPeaks.

Court ain’t over until the flying monkey and pig sing!

Monkey whispers: “Psss hey, if we can stall this a little longer the judge is bound to croak and we’ll all get a free pass!”

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Your lawyer is a real pig!

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Order in court I’m going to double your sentence for monkeying around with the little pig take them down girls.

So on the date in question. I’ll say 7 monkey October Wednesday yellow rootbeer sized orangutan titties. Mic drop

Fire and Ice sounds like a rock band, squealed the little pig as the monkey gave up and flew away!

You didn’t get punched. You got hit. I’m sorry I hit you like this, but I did not punch you.

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Verdict:pink piggy pleads guilty to 24 solo digs during competition!

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Rut row, we’re in trouble now!

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Tiki you are the father.