Winning a hand tip - playing order

This is one of a couple of things I’ve been wanting to share. Some of you probably already know this, but for those of you who haven’t realized this before, I thought I would share.

While playing a hand, if you have a 3 face up from the draw pile, and need to decide to remove the 4 and 5, or the 2, consider this:

I usually try to clear as many card while I can - except when you have this situation. In this case, I could remove the 4 and 5, or the 2.

If I remove the 2 now, then in my remaining draw cards, a 3, 4, 5 or 6 will remove the 4 and 5… which, I would have much better odds of getting one of the four cards to clear the 4 or 5, than I would the two cards (Ace and 3) to clear the 2.

Its all about odds. This is one instance where the odds help. :slight_smile:

Try it, you’ll see!


@CindyLu :clap::clap::clap: great tip!!

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Thank you @Birdiegirl13 :smile:


You are so right. Only time it lets you down is when you get an unexpected volcano card. So, not worth worrying about. You should even do this if you are bomb cards. Unless, of course, the bomb is about to explode.


@CindyLu Thanks for sharing! It makes sense. I’ve never thought about it this way.


Great tip! Don’t know why I didn’t think of that


:ok_hand:t3: I’ve always done this too - exception being if I’m already on a long streak because depending on the level, sometimes long streaks that lose pay more than wins!


Thank u for sharing. I will watch more closely when considering which way to go.


Thanks for the information


I also do this, but I’ve learned a new way as well. When you have like an 8 of spades or 10 of hearts both on multiple cards and you have a 9 to play off of, use the matched suit like usual solitaire. 90% of the time its going to expose the cards you need to gets streaks and also the other card on the next pile. This also works if there’s 4 cards left. Both on top of 1 card each. Rarely fails me.