Who has maxed CQ???

Dear game developers, could we please trouble you to add a check box beside the club gift box or some other way for at least the leaders/co-leaders to know who has maxed the CQ. It’s very frustrating to try to keep up with who has maxed and who hasn’t with no visual aid other than chat, because not everyone posts when they max and the computer only post a random few.


@Lissa_Staggs, I agree! It would be wonderful if we could get that! I’d suggest putting a help ticket in the game. I’m not sure the developers would see this on the forum. The forum is primarily to interact with other players.


Very true!! I will do that as well. Thank you


The reply I got back was pretty simple…thank you for your feed back…but I think I will request again like Cindylu says a squeaky wheel gets oiled…lol I would love to know exactly who has maxed or even the number they have put forth.

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I agree! As a leader, I want to know who is participating in the club quests!


Yeah the only ones you can really tell is the red star and club points and even then you have to screen shot everyone’s totals before and after. Kinda dumb lol

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