What should you do if Tri Peaks keeps freezing and closing ?

I have tried everything to fix it . I mostly wait it out for it to fix , but it’s taking it’s time today .

Thanks for any help .

Not knowing the device on which you’re playing, I can only tell you what I do with my Fire and Galaxy tablets.

I go to settings, select ‘apps’ and look for TriPeaks. I do a “force stop” and then clear the CACHE. You have to be VERY careful to select CACHE. If you select data, you’ll lose everything.

I hope that this helps.


Thanks , I have done that . It just takes it’s gradual time to fix . I am on a LG phone .

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You might try uninstalling and reinstalling the app. When all else fails, that’s what I do.

If you uninstall and reinstall, restart your phone also. None of that has helped for me, it just gets worse. Good Luck! I have sent in complaints, they have now come to the conclusion it is my device even though it does it on 2 different devices and 1 is fairly new. Just keep complaining and maybe they will figure it out. Last time they blamed an outside company THEY hired, that went on for more than 6 months, that’s just how long I started keeping track. UGH

I’ve done that . Recently I done what you wrote and then tried playing in airplane mode and it seemed to straighten up for now . What team are you all on ? I’m on Plumeria .

I will have to try that! Thank you! I am the leader on Merrys Misfits. When the game works right, I love it. When it doesn’t, I really want to quit it takes up too much of my life when it freezes up and you wait, when it boots me out, sign in again. All of that takes a lot of time, it’s beyond ridiculous.

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