Wanted a ambitious or fierce player to join us

Crazy Perk Team needs a competitive player ,who plays daily and loves playing.
We are a friendly team.
Can you do over 8k cp daily,club quests,chat get 500 or more tributes wkly, then we are your team.
We are normaly diamond but a very nice player left us half hr before rollover and we dropped massively,so platinum.
Come and help us get back to diamond and get us top 50 in 2wks when we celebrate our 1yr birthday.

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I’m interested! I’ve moved up from 25th place to second place in a matter of a couple of weeks, but no one in the club has spoken to me. Kind’ makes a girl wonder…
You sound like the kind of club I’d enjoy being a part of!

Hi Elizabeth,sorry about delay in answering I’m UK.
If you would like to try us out put a request in or let me know your present club and I will invite you.