TriPeaks Shop (old one in Scopely, not the Web Shop)

On 7/24/23, the TriPeaks Shop (the old one, not the Web Shop) a ‘Just For You’ offer listed as ‘Tiki Travels’ had a great 7 day offer for 19.99US.
Day 1 prize:
5xwilds + 150k coins
The prizes for the remaining 6 days are:
Day 2:
Day 3: Free Plays x6
Day 4: Medallian x8
Day 5: Volcanox4
Day 6: 60k
Day 7: Volcanox5

The majority of the players had the 19.99US offer, however, 1/3 of our team had a different ‘Tiki Travels’ 7 day offer for 99.99 US.
Day 1:
50xwilds (yep 50!) +800k coins
Day 2: 40xBoosters
Day 3: Free Playx20
Day 4: Medallianx40
Day 5: Volcanox16
Day 6: 300k coins
Day 7: Volcanox19
…Both are amazing deals but the 19.99US was not offered to 1/3 of our team. They only had the 99.99US offer.

Did any other teams experience or notice this in the TriPeaks Shop (located in the Buy button next to the players coin amount; not the Web Shop in FB)? We looked into time zone differences, leaders/co’s vs subordinates, updated version, etc., and didnt find a reason as to why TriPeak Shop special offers differ amongst players on the same team.
Sorry for the wordy question, but I’d appreciate any insight anyone has. Thanks! P.S. And I did submit a Help Desk ticket

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I have to 2 accounts and one account has the $19.99 offer and the other one has a $4.99 offer. I did inquire with my team since we don’t discuss subject on any purchases.

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@Tammy_Van , I have 4 accounts - 1 that plays ALL the time, 1 that is a semi active player, and 2 that plays a couple times a week.

My accounts that play more have to pay more for these deals. They do get more items, as you stated, but they don’t get the cheap deals.


I snagged that one! Pretty good deal comparatively

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