TriPeaks Game feedback 2

I’m a big fan of Tripeaks and love almost everything about it. Recently, I’ve struggled with the ads and the limitations in receiving coins. Is there a way to increase the number of ads you can view each day? Considering this is “free” publicity for various companies, I would think we would be able to view them more.

It would also be nice if we could send coins more frequently. What about twice a day, as opposed to once?

Thanks for the consideration!

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First off, some of the new stuff is great… but it’d be really cool if I got more than 1100-1300 coins per video ad and only allowed to watch a few a day. Also, is thete anyway to let the leaders or captains tag or message players? Another cool thing would be an add on Facebook feature, it’s hard to add someone from your team on Facebook sometimes. And a skip a level card would be awesome LOL. Thanks for the fun… love the game!

I think it would be cool to allow a bigger build up of bonus coins so you don’t have to click to collect every 20 minutes since so many people work all day and aren’t playing until they get home anyway. I also think it would be cool if you could dismiss quests so that you can work on the next one instead of having to wait an hour for the next quest. Adding little things to click on for a few extra coins on tiki island would be cool like the fish and etc on the other islands . It would be nice to win the 2500 coins back on the shrine instead of just 2,000 coins and an extra medallion should be won if you land on it than just replacing the one you just used. It would also be cool to be able to save up your medallions to use when you want to instead of having to immediately play them. It would also be cool if top 3 players at end of perks could win special bonuses since they spend the most coins on the game

Hello all, I am Dee. I play in the club justforfun. First off I really enjoy the game. It takes up my idle time and keeps me going. As for improving I really think we need to improve the card shuffle. As I have played many times and only flipped 2-4 cards and never got a card in the deck to remove any more cards at all!. For me that is frustrating and ridiculous. Especially when I am looking for tributes. Also we need to have a better system for the red star board. As it’s not fair for brand new people to be on a board with people who have been playing for months or even years.

Hola, me gusta bastante, juego cuando puedo, tiene cosas mejorables, me di cuenta que cuando llevo varias jugadas buenas las cartas siguiente se repiten mucho y no me deja avanzar , para reloj tengo que comprar ayuda y a 6000. Se pierde muchado Mon, luego el el tesoro compras por 2500 y si caes en la moneda obtiene solo 2000, inludto no, me gusta pero es mejorable :grinning:

It would be nice if we could choose ourself when we use the new dailys -30 min freeplay, momo cards.

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I agree. Would like to have the old way with the bonuses. Prefer it. But I really like that you can choose when to collect quest bonuses.

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Jeu il est superbe j’aime bien jouer à ce jeu et surtout que j’ai bien avancé sur le jeu

It’s very productive. If you dont have time for the next quest, you don’t lose it, you just wait to hit dismiss or accept the reward when you have time to play the next one. Very helpful if you want to play for 20 minutes, then have to go somewhere. I think it’s a GREAT addition!!


I think there need to be a way we can get more coins and those bonus cards without waisting our coins or keep spending money. I play this game for hours but I got to keep spending money to play it

I think everyone in a group should be able to send those people coins and should not have to have them on facebook. Plus bigger rewards would be nice.

It would be great to see howmany clubpoints are needed for each perk!

As a leader I would like to be able to reward some of my players. It would be fun in the game to make a competition between my team members to work toward a specific goal the leaders choose each week n reward that player with maybe free coins or a booster card. I think each member would work harder towards a certain goal to get a reward from the leader.


I hope you find a team that is a good fit for you. We have a lot of players in our club who work at all hours and as long as they communicate their needs for play time and inability to meet current club motto, we don;t come down on them at all. We also have started a new team building fun thing called “real question of the day”. it is completely voluntary to participate but the purpose is to just bring fun to the club and get to know eachother better and learn what we all have in common. this week, for example, we asked if you could go to any time period, what would it be and why…many of us selected the 50s because of the simpler time. we like to be competitive to get the perks but we enjoy the company of our team mates more than anything!

-I would like to see an area where you can win free coins easily so you could build your coins back up instead of waiting for each new day to collect coins.

-Winning wild cards and volcano cards more easily would be very helpful.

-Make it easier to connect to facebook with a direct link to the page, (since I started playing i have NOT been able to connect with my fb to invite friends)

-a FAQ page or tab to help with tricks or tips

-help with navigating clubs…i had no idea what was expected of me and how to join a club of why I would even join.

-the free ads are very helpful but have been recently limited…boo!!

-why do I have to buy coins or wild card before ads lol up for deals?

-get bonus for every “x” amount of dollars you spend…very frustrating to spend $ and have no perks of bonus (like when you buy a gift box for your club)

Well I think it should allow us to win more games instead of us having to spend all our coins buying cards to win one dang game… and we should get a few more videos as well

The facebook daily coin loss is just getting completely rediculous. I’ve not collected my allotted 60,000 coins per day in 2 weeks without losing coins, which ultimately loses the 24 hr request. Every single time it gives me 6,000 coins of whatever i have built up. Thankfully i have well over the amount of requests to send out, but it still does not help not getting 60,000 coins per day without having to type in a complaint. Everyday thus far this week and twice a day on one day it a bit extreme!!! Please fix this!!

The free coins needs to go back to 3000 every 20 mins. It’s not fair that we only recieve 1300. Also can there be a way we can send coins to our team members without using Facebook?


Offer a way to buy a wild card during game play. With either coins or purchase. Lots of games finish with one card and we don’t have a wild card!

Ability to use free cards when we need or want to go start a game.

Show green bar on My Club page also.

I love the new dismiss feature on quests!

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I think we should able to receive more then 20 friends coins to you, I have more then 20 friends who play and can it get 20 of . Should be no limit on how many u can receive.

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