Trib Up! needs a few great players!

We are a Diamond club with a very strong core team of 20 players. We are looking for 5 players to complete our awesome team!

We ask for 40,000 and 300 tributes weekly. Fridays we are chasing Goldie so we ask for 7,000 and 60 tributes Friday.

We get most quests, but require tributes, club points and any quests where we earn 20,000 coins or more.

We want players who will communicate with us, letting us know when they max a quest, or if something comes up and they can’t max. Last thing you need to know about us…WE DON’T DIG!!!

If this sounds like the club for you, request access to Trib Up! (we are invite only).

Still need 3 players to round out our awesome team! Find us - Trib Up! We are invite only, so send a request. We need strong, committed players :blush: