Thinking of merging clubs

Is there a club out there that would like to merge with tripeaks be a star. We rotate leaders every month right now we are 3000k daily as we grow to a better team we will up that message me.we are 2nd place gold and 16 members

you should indicate what level you are currently and how many members you have

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16 members gold 2nd place

Long Friends is lower in Gold, 14 players. We were platinum but went through some growing pains

So do you think you want to merge

We are at platinum 36th we have 15 members

Sorry was out of town. How would it work if we merged?

You all would have to join our team who ever is the leader will be leader every 4 weeks we alternate leadership we are currently platinum and if you join our team we have a good shot of staying there

Sandy you would be leader of the club in March. Then we would work out from there

I have 14 players can make room for all your top players

Iā€™m talking to my peeps. What us your club name

Be a star hope everything works out for u