[-: theTiKiLounge: Players Needed :-]

About Us: Currently Gold [sometimes Platinum when we have a full & active team]

Main Requirements: Must be able to play at least 125 Tributes and 12k club points per week [or at least show some effort that you’re trying to meet this requirement]; Please try to use Chat if unable to meet these numbers. We try our best to be flexible and are happy to work with you. All we ask is that you communicate with us if things come up :-]

Chat: At minimum, we request that you read Chat at some point in between playing games [New Members: Let us know that you’ve read Club Notes and that you’re aware of the 125 tribute + 12k/wk minimum; Entire Team: Let us know when you max a Club Quest [this is not required but greatly appreciated].

Additional Info: Club Competition/Dig is optional. We do ask that you qualify for the dig only if you’re able to participate the following day. We have our own Rest Club, an optional Facebook page and we also have 2-3 dedicated Helpers who come in to help us get some of the Tribute CQs whenever we have a few players who are out :-]

Let me know if you have any other questions and feel free to send a request to theTiKiLoungeif you want to check us out. Thx! :-]

Btw, my player name is just jÖ in case you need it :wink:


Just sent request to join

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Hi Jewelbn, I just let you in :]

:speaking_head: Just another update… We opened up 2 spots so if you’re a player who is easily able to play a minimum of 125 tributes per week and you work towards the 12k weekly club points then please send us a request to join. I try to approve requests as soon as I see them so make sure to check your message inbox to complete the join request, read our club notes and don’t forget to say hi in Chat. Thanks for reading… :grin:

:speaking_head: We had one player move over to our Rest Club so there is currently 1 open spot if anyone is interested… [Minimum Weekly Requirements: 125 tributes & 12k club points starting on your first full week with us & must use Chat to let us know whenever you’re unable to meet our minimums]. Look us up: theTiKiLounge :grin:

:speaking_head: I’m back again! :grin: We have 3 open spots at the moment. Still looking for the right team players who play Tribute levels [minimum amount of 125 tribs & 12k per week] and who also use Chat when needed (Chat really isn’t necessary as long as you meet or exceed the minimums but Chat is appreciated especially if you participate in the Club competition/dig). We have several core players who consistently kick butt on Tributes and Club Points but we would love love love to have a few more to help us out.

More about theTiKiLounge: We have a max 3 day idle for those who absolutely need it but would love to have players who like to play daily. We have 3 helper accts who come in to help with Tribute CQs whenever possible but we only bring them in if we have enough teammates working on the CQ. Club competition/dig is completely optional but if you qualify, we ask that you work with the rest of the digging team.

Last week we finished top 5 in Gold and just really need players who can help us complete all Perks like we used to (we currently complete 5 of them and sometimes the easier extra Perks). Our current Perk order is 1-2-6-3-5-4. We have Goldie by Monday but would love to get it sooner with your help. As of right now, we are between 1st and 2nd in Gold so if we keep it up, we will probably end up in Platinum next week

Feel free to try us out for a week to see if you like our group dynamic and no worries if you choose to move on. Thanks for reading… :hugs: -just jÖ

Would be interested to join what looks like a great club!

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where do I find the request to join? Sorry, I seem to be a little confused.

It’ll take me a few minutes - brb

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@jgpac00000 make sure when you’re searching for our club name that all the letters are together with no spaces… “thetikilounge”
We are currently gold (rank 3). Let me know if you have any other questions :wink:

Current club is “having fun” I searched for the Discover tab but didn’t find it so will rely on you. Sorry to be such a pita!

no worries, let me try to find you. can i ask what your player name is and what league your club is? there are a ton of clubs named “having fun” so if you can also tell me around how many total club points your club has…

Rookie league - i USE MY NAME Marlene - sorry for caps - not having a good day

:slight_smile: ok i’ll try my best to find you Marlene…

can you by any chance check to see how many club points your club has to help me narrow down the search? there are so many to look through :frowning: and p.s. I hope your day gets better…

ok thanks - if you check the members list you’ll see why I’m looking for a new club

7850 points none for anyone else on the list

Ok let me see if i can find you…

I’m interested. I usually only play tribute games. Like your perk order. I read chat and note when cq maxed. Been playing for years

Hi! Feel free to send us a request. We could use someone who plays tributes :relaxed:

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