theSleepyTiki 😴: Tribute Hunters Click Here!

:wave: ABöUT US: theSleepyTiki is a casual, NO-stress, NO-drama, solid Gold Club where all Players are expected to meet very easy minimums to stay

:medal_sports: TEAM GöAL: Play Tribute levels. Win some CQs. Have Fun!

:raised_hands: TRIBUTE GöAL: At least 35+ Tributes before Thu Reset. Note: We keep the number low to accommodate anyone with a busy schedule (work, vacation, personal, etc) but feel free to play more :upside_down_face:

:construction_worker_man: :sailboat: DIG & RACE: Both are Optional but all Qualifiers are expected to participate and work with the rest of the Team. We have an easy 3 shovel minimum (Dig) & 18 move minimum (Race). Not all Events are monitored but for those that are: Any Qualifier with 0 shovels/moves and no notification in Chat may be removed right before end of Event buuuut we do send an invite to rejoin just in case they couldn’t play for some unexpected reason (it happens)

:speech_balloon: CHAT: Minimal Chat required so chat as much or as little as you like. Players must at least read Chat and communicate if needed

:hiking_boot: REMöVAL REASöNS: 0 Tributes at Reset; 0 shovels at end of Dig; 0 moves at end of Race; Random Digging (we try to work with Random Diggers to resolve the issue first); Idle 6 days [Idle 3 days if <2 weeks w/Team]

:volcano: Let me know if you have any other questions and if interested in checking us out, look up theSleepyTiki and send us a request to join. Once you’re in, please review our Club Notes to read our laid-back Rules :metal:

:hugs: theSleepyTiki Leader/CoLeaders: [: jÖ :]; jÖ 2.o, pööpyscööps, Agent Ö, Echo, Granzer & SunnyD

theSleepyTiki just opened up a spot if anyone wants to check us out :upside_down_face: