The Panderin' Mandarin...

This particular mandarin was very unpopular in the fruit section because he would speak to other fruits in a pandering way. They called him “The Panderin’ Mandarin” and everyone, except for one angry avocado who enjoyed watching the drama, was overjoyed when Captain Karma ate him.

(NOTE ON COIN LINK: Check your Coin balance before tapping! This is the first time we’ve tried doing Coin links in the forums. If at first the link doesn’t work, please try again - it should. If you receive the “Looks like you’ve already received Coins” message and did not receive any Coins, then the link will not work. Unfortunately, due to the nature of this “Scurvy-Cure”/Scavenger Hunt, we are not able to award Coins to anyone who has issues with these links.)


Got the coins, thanks!

You guys rock!! Thank you!!!

The links are sending me to the App Store and I already have the app.

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@Cindy_Gillis_Taugner It did that to me a few times, I then opened the app and it took me to the game and gave me the coins :blush: I hope this helped


Hold on the link a little longer. If that doesn’t work swipe up. Not exactly sure how it’s working but if I just tap it I go to a page that directs me to App Store.

Thank you. 7 more to go. :heart:

This is how its done

Thank you 4 the coins

Tried it twice still nothing :confused:

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