'The moonehiners' A core group of players who work as a team.

We’re in Gold, but don’t want to stay there. Every few weeks we go for promotion, by saving coins and then going for tributes and games that pay well. We got to platinum 4 weeks ago, but couldn’t stay up due to lack of players. BUT WE WANT MORE.

please come and join us if you are reliable, follow the rules and are a team player.

The more ambitious players we get, the fewer weeks we’ll need to go between promotion pushes, until we can stay up - but then we can push for diamond, can’t we!!

Pushing for promotion every few weeks has the added advantage of building a really good team spirit, as we all work together for the same goal.

Come along, be a part of the team and enjoy it.

Weve 11 places that need to be filled.

I’m really low on chips and don’t want to use them to dig. I’m dedicated to reach cq’s, tributes, etc. But it seems like any team I join isn’t happy with that. I also see in chats that it’s just the same few people playing and playing the digging game . But that always uses up the chips that I have to play cqs, tributes. I’m not a fanatic like some people are. I play more than a couple of times a day, so I’m committed to helping the team. If you’re interested reply back to me.

Hi Gary. You sound like just the person we need. We don’t play the dig and racing is voluntary. ( I don’t do either). This week, we’re going to push for promotion to platinum by going for tributes or high paying games. It shoyld be fun. Its an open team. We gi fie nearly all club quests. All we ask is that you communicate if you can’t make it + post whwn yoy’ve maxed your share of the CQ.
Looking forward to having yoy as a member if our team.

Should have read “go for CQs”

Okay. I’m all yours. Send me an invite. I think that’s how it’s done (?) LOL

UPDATE: We went for promotion and then stayed up. We’re now firmly established in Platinum with 23 players. We’re still looking for 2, or possibly 3, ambitious players who enjoy playing as part of a team. Communication is key to all aspects of the game. We’ve gone from public to private, as we had too many players who just sat there, doing nothing. So if you are interested, come and have a chat with us about the important things we don’t have space to put in the rules, to see if we’re right for each other. Please send a join request to - The moonehiners - Thank you.