The Captain's Conundrum! 5-21-19

Ol’ Captain Karma’s got a conundrum. His accountant asked him to go see a movie with him this Friday. He likes his accountant okay, but aside from a few numbers, they don’t have a lot in common.

Well, as luck would have it, his old friend, “Fuzzy Face” Flanagan will be in town the same night and has invited Karma out for a night of fun. Thus, Karma’s question: Should he stay true to his original plans, or explain to his accountant that “something suddenly came up” and cancel to see his good friend?

:question::question:What would you do?:question::question:

Post your answer below for a chance at 3 Volcano Cards on Friday afternoon. Five players who offer their solutions will be chosen at random and on Friday will receive
3 Volcano Cards!


The solution is easy all friends go to the movie, then 2of them can go for some fun, or maybe all 3… a movie is only a short time, that leaves 1/2 a night for FUN! :grinning:


Take both of them to a fish fry then head to the movie to see, The Little Mermaid :mermaid:‍♀ “. Don’t forget the popcorn!


Captain Karma should see an early movie with his accountant, and then have a night of fun with “Fuzzy Face”. You want to stay in good standing with your accountant! :wink: Who knows, maybe Karma will get to know his accountant better!


I’d explain to the accountant that an old friend was going to be in town and invite the accountant to the plans with the old friend. I would make plans to see the movie with the accountant either the day after or sometime in the close future. If the accountant declines, I’d reschedule with the accountant and spend time with the old friend.


I would take the accountant with us. A little (lot) bit of fun never hurts anyone. The accountant just needs to see how fun is done. Worked in real life foe me!

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Tell the friend about the movie and if he wants to go good if not meet up with him afterwards.

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Cpt Karma should remember that Karma returns to those that don’t do what is right. He should stick with his plans; ask the Acct if it’s agreeable for friend to join in with the movie if friend wants to see Cpt Karma the friend should be understanding of circumstances & accept how it turns out. Next time Cpt Karma don’t agree to something you don’t want to do.
Hi Karma is real.


I would honestly tell the acquaintance that an old friend, unexpectedly, was going to be in town for the night and I would have to change my plans and reschedule for a later date…OR

I would start telling them about my hideous rash/blisters that were all over my body/face…hoping that it isn’t contagious and the closed over sores do not open back up and start oozing AGAIN!! The smell of the ooze gets caught in your nostrils, which leads to you smelling it for days…wishing there was something you could do to make it go away!!

Depends on my relationship with the accountant which story I would tell!! LOL

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I would ask my friend to join us; then suggest we all go for drinks or coffee afterwards. Fun Night!

Take them both…more friends…more fun

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I’d be honest and let him know I had an old friend coming into town and reschedule movie night

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I would ask the accountant if he would mind my old friend tagging along and if not I would ask my old friend to come with us! Otherwise I would stick to my plans of going to the movie with the accountant.

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I would try to do both. Introduce the new person to the old friend and maybe they can be friends also.

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I would cancel plans with Accountant by saying I had a previous commitment I had forgotten and reschedule movie to another night. Obviously if Captain Karma and Fuzzy Face have nothing in common with the Accountant, it’s best to cancel and reschedule.

i would invite my accountant to go along with myself and my friends , i would tell him that they came into town after we made our plans!
everyone wins and are happy

Ask the accountant your friend can join you.Then you can all have a good time!

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I would try to do both !!!

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Tell them both the truth! Either your friend may be flexible or your accountant may be understanding and take a rain check!

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New friends old friends it’s all the same everybody needs friends the more the merrier I’ll go out and have fun together

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