The Captain's Conundrum! 06-4-19

I would give them a chance, hopefully they would Apologetic!

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I would hope that life has taught them a few things and approach them as an equal part of the team. Old school stories are for laughs and lessons. Keep it fair to all they might be a super player.


Th past is the past. Treat them as you would want to be treated


I think people can changing and we must to help them :smiley:


Let them stay, there’s no reason to be catty so many years later.


Give them a chance to show maturity. We all have changed since childhood, hopefully for the best. If they become a problem kick them out! ASAP!


Me being a :gemini: as well feels the same way. Lol!

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You’re now an adult and you ignore the past and hope they are a great player and a great addition to your team!


Ignore both should have grown up by now.


Get over it and move on u have to forgive in order to be forgiven


I would just ignore the past, I don’t live there any more.

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This could happen!! If somebody was mean or border line bully back in the day, I’d for sure give them a chance. I believe that people can change. If by chance they haven’t changed and do nothing to help our club rise up in ranks, then I’d have to give them the boot!!


Does one remember the " bad old days " or hope the future holds better days?This person probably won’t remember,but they will show true workings in time. That is the time to take appropriate action!

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I am a believer of letting go and let God. Also I leave the past in the past as long as they are not starting problems or still bullying and meeting all the limits and playing good I wood leave them be. I would be the better person and be nice to them. God forgives and doesn’t judge us on our past so why should we!

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I correct them and hope they understand and change to following club rules. If they still don’t follow the rules, I let them know and warn them again. Finally 3 strikes and your out.

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I would ignore and give them the benefit of the doubt that they have changed just like most of us do as we get older. However I would keep a close eye on them just to be sure!

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I would give them a chance. I am a different person. Maybe they are too. Watch wait and see.

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Let it go! If they don’t follow the rules, or stirs up trouble in the club, then boot the player

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Talk to 'em & hope theyve changed. If not tgen id give 'em da boot

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I would let them stay in the game. See if they do the work keep them if not then kick them out. Past is past.

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