Team Winning needs 2-3 players....

Looking for players who will contribute to the team…Platinum, we get all 6 perks weekly and the special if it’s not outrageous…

Still in need of players who understand the dynamics of the game and are willing to be part of a team that is happy being platinum, not pushing to go to a higher level.

That sounds like a perfect fit for me! I’ve been playing for about six months so I’m very familiar with inner workings of the game. I know what I’m doing and have fun doing it, buy I’m not a diehard fanatic. Platinum is exactly where I want to be, and I feel like I’m really being held back by my current club (which is sad, because they’re all really nice). I happily hunt down tributes and purchase the deals as often as possible to ensure I can crush the levels and earn as many club points as possible. And of course I always send coins; that’s just common courtesy, yeah? Anyway, I’m very much a team player and very interested in joining your club :slight_smile: Hope you’ll think about it

Hi Lily
If I knew how to do a search via Tripeaks I would send you an invite, but it’s not possible…It is possible to search for teams though, and that way I could find you or you can find us…