Spending Moolah!

I’m not talking about TriPeak coins. I’m curious…do you make purchases from your own pocket? How often? And on what specifically and why?

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I love purchasing gift boxes on double gift box day!!!


Me too! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I love double gift days and i really liked the Halloween pack!!! I was sad to see that go LOL…i definitely didn’t purchase as many as I wanted to i just bought 1 :rofl::joy:

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I buy gift boxes for my club sometimes. Usually if we are close to #1 or being promoted a league as an incentive for them to push a little harder. I also like buying the big free play packs. Its 4.99 and you get 12 free plays and 3 booster cards each of 2 or 3 different types and coins. I’ve only seen that one pop up a couple times but I get it when it does.

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I buy gift boxes I sometimes I buy coins

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Me to! Do you know if that is all at random what day that is? Looks to me most comments are posted on the 18th of every month. That 10 days away, I can’t wait my club did well and I like to reward everyone not just myself :slight_smile:

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I never actually paid attention! I am curious to find out!!

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On Labor Day there was a special offer to purchase coins at 100% sale price.
For example, $29.99 for 25000 coins was $29.99 for 50000 coins. I bought two and encourage my club to run out and get an iTunes or Google gift card before the 24 hour sale ended. They could purchase as low as $3.99 pack and we’ll worth it!

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