Shovel Competion

I wonder why our platinum team constantly has to dig with teams in much higher levels. We communicate, dont dig all over, but we never get in the top 3 positions. I would rather play other platinum teams where its an even playing field. Very defeating.


U are ranked depending on the qualifying members so if all 25 members qualify you could be in the challenge with a legend team. - and they will push to get all 3 stars for every play and every player (my guess)
It only takes 10 members to get the team entered,
Maybe a suggestion could be split the team in 1/2 since there are 2 challenges per week tournament 1set of players plays the 1st dig competition then next set when it comes later in the week.:woman_shrugging:t2:
I have a player in the stone league and normally we have 10-13 enter not much communication on digs but we usually get 1or 2 place
Good luck to you!


Have you noticed that sometimes the teams who win the Club Competitions by running up the scores have unusual profiles. For example, invite only, 10 to 12 players, very new, very limited player activity outside of club Comp. R the Tiki gods planting teams

I personally haven’t checked, as for invite only, I always lock the door during qualifying to avoid the mooching, and or our doors would be locked usually wed and Thurs to avoid club hoppers