Seriously and sadly thinking about quitting the game

The cards have been so difficult for the past 3-4 weeks. Leader of a Legend club. Been playing since 2017. Saturday is costing me a mint to keep the volcano cool. The tribs games difficulty is set to max… even with Goldie in hand. It’s taking away the joy of the whole game. Saturday with Goldie (perk 6 done) should be relaxing for the club. Now they just want more of my cash.

Maybe I should start an ex-tripeaks support group. Leaving this game will be so difficult. I guess my $1k a month wont be missed.


Sad to hear skycross…I wish it was better for us all. I understand your frustration and feel the same way. I would like to think we can make a difference if we chose to leave, but it won’t.
God bless and take care!

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I feel the same way. Many do. But not enough for developers to listen

Maybe you would enjoy it more if you didn’t put so much money into it. Just play for fun.


Yes, this has gotten harder to play, especially Perk 6. It takes 3 days to finish just that one.


Are you a leader of a club?

We get perk 6 done by Friday evening. That way the game can penalize everyone by take 5% off of the loot for each game. Did you know that? True story.

No…we were happy. We were spending money to support the developers. We were having fun. Kinda how a game should be. I guess we are all being punished for having too much fun in a game.

I’m co-leader of a top diamond club. I don’t disagree with the increased difficulty and the frustration that brings. I just would never be willing to put that kind of money into a game. I think the problem is when players put in that much money, there is a disconnect with the value they believe they are getting for their investment.


As long as people are willing to pay to play, the developers will change nothing. GSN/Sony are making money hand over fist because players are paying to play for nothing in return. Developers won’t change anything because, the more difficult the game is to win, the more people are willing to spend to get the win. It’s akin to being a compulsive gambler for some. The developers know that and are smiling all the way to the bank!


I hear you. I used to be in top 40 club before legend, diamond etc. I started my own club i 2017 and have gradually reduced requirements to help with negative game changes and Covid 19 impact. This has kept a very loyal team together sometimes having a break and returning. We are now fluctuating between high Platinum and low Diamond and all very chilled out still enjoying our team and the game. You could consider a more relaxed team rather than leaving the game. If you are interested in joining us (and several other disillusioned ex Legend players message Carole Moretikitime. Currently 4 in Platinum and nicely chilled out


I agree. I’m sorry I went on in the islands it seems most of the perk games are on the most difficult ones.

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I am a programmer. I support programmers when I pay. If the business is crooked then i just need to find a different game. If someone does not support the game then dont say a word about the constant crashes, the bugs, of connection issues as you are free-loading. Us who pay? Well we get to call out the business all we want as we are being the exact customer they want… paying customers. We can scream all the way out the door as we leave to go to GSN’s competitors!

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I am a leader on a very relaxed legend team. But thank you and best luck. Thanks for responding.

I understand wanting to leave. They’re just money hungry at GSN & I would’ve left long ago if not for my team. Since your a leader in Legend, your forced to play high points to stay there. Have you thought of asking your teammates if they’d mind lowering the minimum? It’d take you down to Diamond or Platinum but you wouldn’t have to worry about winning every game & paying to mk sure you do. If you don’t think your team would be interested in lowering the min then before leaving all together why not try my team? We’re high Platinum. Only have a 25k/wk min even tho most do more but you don’t have to if you can’t. I’m also looking for one person at reset. Why not give us a try for a wk before leaving. My teams called PASED Play. I have really gr8 ppl who chat a lot on messenger & we support each other both because of the game & what’s going on in everyone’s lives. I’m sure you have really great ppl too. If theres 1 or 2 that are having a hard timeI as well, I’m sure I could wrk it out that you could all stay together. Might not be right away but we can discuss the details via pm. Just one more wk b4 leaving… it might mk it easier to leave or maybe not. I’m hoping you’ll like it & stay.

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I am a leader of my club and have been since 2018. We are disbanding and leaving the game. This is no longer fair or fun. It’s a very sad thing. My club is so close. But my members have enough to deal with in life given the pandemic and dealing with these changes in difficulty of the game has taken away our escape from reality. I get that GSN could not care less.

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Yet 18 days later you are still on, last I checked an uninstall takes just a few seconds.

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What is the name of your club? If you are disbanding, some of your players may be interested in continuing in a less demanding club.


I hear what you all are saying. I play well and enjoy the game but on occasion I buy a 2x box gift for my group. I have noticed that for weeks afterwards I cannot win many games. Why can’t the game people be happy that we spend occasionally? Why do they blatantly try to get us to spend more money? Please stop as I will no longer pay to play. You should stop as we are all seeing this.


join my club, “Blondies”

You actually spend 1K/Monthly??? I wish I had that kind of extra cash to spend on games.