Semi Casuals needs a few ambitious players!

Semi Casuals is a super fun and competitive gold team, and we need some great players who love sharing the wealth! Simple rules, use chat regularly, 10K minimum per week, and CQ , particularly Tribute Trek, is a must. Digs are optional, but we often get 1st on weekend digs. We like to win and we are all about teamwork!

I can help you out. I need a good club

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Come on over! We’d love to have you!

Are you currently in a club? We can send you an invite if I know where to find you.

Sounds good to me. I’m a daily player. I play for fun, but it’s always more fun to win. My club has gone downhill, with only 3 or 4 of us who play consistently. Please send me an invite.

Oh, my current club is called sweet sunshine.

Hi Bobby, if you have not found a new club yet, you are welcome to give us a go. Pop in and see if we are a good fit for you.
Our club is Always Rejoice.
We are team players and that is important to us, so as long as you follow the game rules, make the club quest a priority and use to chat to let us know when you cannot play, that is all we ask. Tributes are important so as long as our players play the five games that come up on an hourly basis that is all we ask except when tributes are the club quest