Rewards tab scrolling issue; Anyone else?

Helloooo Everyone! Have a question & looking for advice since technical support has been NO HELP. They keep saying they will upgrade my ticket then send me a “how was your help” feedback email closing the case. I digress about 3 1/2 weeks ago I went to my rewards tab & was trying to scroll down (I had quite a few rewards saved 80+) & the rewards tab would not budge. It was just stuck. I checked the other 2 tabs, they scrolled fine. Went to the star leaderboard that scrolled fine. Checked every other spot that could be scrolled & it scrolled just fine. Rewards tab would not budge. So I can not collect my daily fb coins, daily rewards, club rewards, gifts, open chests etc. Since I cant collect from the rewards tab I’m missing the 60k daily from fb coins, the 1500-6000 in daily rewards & all the boosters, wilds, volcanoes, chests, medallions I’m supposed to be getting daily when I should be able to scroll down & open the daily bonuses.
I’ve reached out to tech support 3 times. Each time saying force close, uninstall reinstall. I’ve done it all. I tell them that they say they are going to up the urgency of my ticket & they close the case. And theyve only given me 100k back once. I’m owed well over a million coins & 150+ boosters & other helpers.
Any advice? Is this happening to anyone else? What’s worse is I’m a team leader and struggling to finish group quests & hit the minimums set. I’m upset about the loss of EVERYTHING I worked hard for & feel I’m letting my team down :disappointed_relieved: Anyone heard, seen anything like this. (P.s. my phone is up to date & has plenty of storage space) PLEASE HELP! :heart:-Dawn-Grim Reapers

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I am assuming this is your 1st time posting in regards to this? There was another player that posted that had saved up reward chests and had the same issue, I wonder if you have reached the maximum capacity? Tech support is incredibly backlogged from the Facebook incident, I had to send a ticket 3 times. When they get swamped they rush through tickets to get through them, it is understandable but it did get quite frustrating. I don’t know what the limit is for inbox but I would cash in some rewards and go from there, resend your ticket, they will make it right


Yea that’s the problem I cznt bc the tab wont scroll or let me open any rewards sl it keeps going up. I’ve sent 3 tickets & each time what I was owed & kept gett6blown off. So frustrating

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Hi there. I unfortunately cannot help with your problem but I gave a question. I had read on a post about someone saving their chests and when I asked my team no one did it and they wondered what would be the advantage. Since then I have saved 2 chests and am wondering what is the advantage of doing it? When is the best time to collect them? And finally is there a time limit to collecting them?
Thanks for any input you may have. Evelyne

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Hi! I’m a hoarder of chests :rofl:. I do this because I have a tendency to burn through boosters uncontrollably lol. I will also hang onto the 2nd gift box, cashing in the 1st to make sure grifters get their coins. As for time limits, I have had mine sometimes for almost 3 months. There is an older post about someone saving almost 100. I wouldn’t go that far, there likely is a limit on the inbox. But I have successfully saved 25.
Again it’s because I am able to better control use of my boosters.


Hi @Tracy!
You must be my twin! I hoard them too! My only reason is, I am afraid of running out. What is wrong with me?
I currently have 99+ in my rewards tab. But after reading this thread, I am scared something might happen to them! :thinking:


Thanks Tracy. Keep on hoarding!


Love double gift day, I also open 1st gift to send thanks and save the others for later…
My reasoning on that is I hate using freeplays on lower levels so if later that week I open them 1 at a time so I don’t get a stock pile of freeplays and get forced to use them on low level tributes…
well I’m not forced it’s a choice but i play tributes a lot and it seems if I have 5+ freeplays my games will be on lower levels where the games cost less then 3k and using a freeplay on one of those games is not worth it to me. :blush:


Wow :flushed: 99+ I’d be afraid to save that many…
Iv had 20ish before, but seems like something always happens and if I need to send a help ticket, they tell me to open all inbox items so they can prove I lost it…
So I normally only save threw the week. Opening inbox items such as reward chest slowly threw the week.


Hi @Tasha! Yes, it’s a crazy amount! I better get to opening some :grin:
I know I would be upset if I lost them.


@Tasha, I totally agree! I play mostly Tributes too and I refuse to use a free play on a lower level less expensive game. Therefore, if I am going to open a Chest, I will play the lower 3 Tributes and then open the Chest. That way I will use 2 free plays on higher level games and have some carry over for the next set of Tributes.


That is such a smart strategy! Thanks for the tip!


Hi @Shaunna67!
You’re very welcome, I’m glad to help. :wink:

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