Quick Guide: How to Use the Forums

We are quite happy that you’ve chosen to come and join us in the Solitaire TriPeaks Forum!

Here are some quick tips to help you get around and how to get the most out of your initial Forum experience.

1. Forum Navigation:

  • Categories are posted in big “TriPeaks” bolded font (the first one you see is “About This Site”.

  • Subcategories are found in those little colored boxes. For instance, this one appears under the Category “About This Site” and the subcategory “How to Use these Forums”.

*Topics are what appear below the the Subcategories. In fact, this post is a “Topic”. If you respond to this, you’re posting a response to the “How to Use the Forums” topic.

2. Bookmarking:

  • Bookmarks work just like they sound - they “hold on” to Topics you’re interested in so that when you come back to the Forum you can easily navigate to that particular Topic. To bookmark something, click the “Three Dots” that indicate that there are more options, and you’ll see the little bookmark emblem:

3. Flagging inappropriate Posts: On occasion someone will either on purpose or accidentally step over the line of appropriateness, and in order to save others from seeing such a travesty, you may choose to flag that post so that one of our Moderators can determine whether or not it needs to be handled. Tap or click the “Three Dots” and when the other options are presented, look for the little waving flag icon. Tap/Click that and choose from the list of options presented there.

4. Getting Help: If you have questions about the Forums, you may always tap your profile picture in the upper right hand corner and choose “Discobot.” If you bookmark Discobot, you’ll be able to find him (or her!) quite easily. Discobot will give you answers to the specific questions you may have.

That should be enough information to get you started! If you have any questions, please leave them below!


Bumping this up for newbies.