Problem with red stars

I use a booster and haven’t been getting double stars. Also, my stars are not counting towards Club Quest.


@Dede, hi sounds like you need to contact support, you can either go to your menu tab by your picture or email them at Best of luck

My red stars aren’t doubling either

Mine are working. Have used it several times today. You sure it wasn’t a level you already had stars for so you weren’t seeing the 2 on the star. If it’s not that then would be a tech issue :(.


@Dragonfly, I have to remind myself to actually look and make a mental note of how many red stars I already earned on each hand. It makes a difference whether I use a booster while playing. I hate getting half way through a hand and not knowing whether I can earn more red stars on that hand. I drive myself cRaZy with that!

If that’s not the case for the others, definitely report it!

@CindyLu - I do that as well and hate when I forgot to check at the start if the stars we met or not, lol.

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