Private Messaging Within Game

Is there any chance coming in any updates of the team leaders being able to PM teammates within the game? This would be such a useful tool to communicate with players who don’t read club notes.


I agree @Gayle_Perne, I’m I haven’t heard anything, but keeping my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


Welcome to forum @Gayle_Perne
I know a few leaders that would like that.:smiley:
You could send your suggestion in a feedback ticket.


You can suggest it, but don’t hold your breath…alot of leaders have been suggesting that for a LONG time. As well as a check box or something to show when and who has maxed the club quest. Instead we get foolish updates like changing the shrine and rescuing mini’s…


Can do it through Messenger. There is a way to do it even if you don’t want facebook. (my daughter has it that way)


As a leader, I would soooo love to private message another player!

However, now that my granddaughter is playing… I’m rethinking this.

Just wondering… how would you all feel knowing someone could PM your daughter, granddaughter, son, wife or husband?


We have a Leader’s chat on FB messenger as well as a chat for club members.


I’m in agreement. It would be great to PM a team mate to find out what is going on, rather than just kick them out.


Personally CindyLu I can see both sides of that coin.
I think if messaging is an option it should be limited to leaders. Sad thing is, as stated in other comments, there are ways around it by joining chat groups thru Facebook and such. So about the only safe thing that you can do is thoroughly explain internet safety, insist that they play in your club so you can keep an eye on things and hope for the best.
Before we closed out my club I had 1 specific player that I literally had to threaten to remove because of insisting that everyone in the club give them their email address and asking everyone personal information. Some people just don’t get how dangerous the internet can be


I agree @Lissa_Staggs! Thank you for your response! :slight_smile:


The downside to using FB Messenger is that you have to be FB friends with with all your club members. I like to keep my FB circle small for privacy reasons.


This is SOOOO overdue!

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FB messenger is what we use and we ask in the rules to please join our chat in messenger under **** . You have to be accepted as it is a private group. We also have a Leaders chat where only leaders meet.

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They need to accept the person messaging them. To accept the terms of the game I believe it says you need be 18. If they have a FB account then the dangers of your children talking with strangers is just as great . Not to mention snap chat, Tik Tok, and so many more social media platforms…


@Jennifer_Ace, I agree, there are so many avenues of potential danger for people on the internet.

I was just thinking about TriPeaks recent requirement of being 18 to play - I wonder if the that is the prelude to private chat!