Points needed for peles perks

Were can you find the points needed for every perk? It’s diverend every week but I can’t find it on the FB page or here in this forum. Can anyone tell me we’re to find it


Hi @Duca2006, Here is a useful post for determining points.

Points required to finish perk

It pretty much has held true for over a year now, but you never know when they are going to change things up a bit… like last week the 7th (special) perk required 100,000 points instead of 85,000.

When you look at the post, keep in mind that you add the totals of each perk to determine the total club points needed. For instance, if you have completed perk 1 and your working on perk 2, then

Perk 1 - 5,000 points
Perk 2 - 15,000 points, = 20,000 points total

… and so on depending on which order you work on the perks.

Hope this helps!


Thanks for your answer. I like to now how many point for each perk.
1 = 5000
2= 15000
3 = ???
4 = ???
5 = ???
6 = ???
Extra between 85000/100000




4-70,000 (when there’s a wild card in it: 80,000)


6-300,00 (when there’s a volcano card in it: 350,000)


Why don’t you show how many more coins are needed right on the game?