Players entering clubs only for purpose of collecting Perks

I have started to notice this trend also.
I am having to keep a close eye on people that join our club as we are currently set as Public. We seem to be getting a lot of “Guests” joining right before the end of the Perk week, clearly so they can claim the Perks and Rewards and then leave. I try to have a clear out right before this happens now.

I am having an overall problem with the Team not reading the chat, so when someone joins under the name “Guest” despite my requests for them to create a profile and player name if they want to stay they are not doing so. We do have a couple and guessed that have properly participated and even been a Club Champ, so it is difficult.

I think I might send in a ticket with a suggestion that only players that have created a profile and the player name can join a club be at public, private or invitation only.

The only true way I think of stopping what you have discussed is by creating an invitation only or private club.

Lynne x

Many clubs change the club status from public to invite-only at the end of the tournament to prevent these type of joiners. Then change it back at the beginning of the next tournament if you need people. Higher level groups just keep it by Invite only.

Having a name doesn’t prevent people from joining at the end just to collect. Sometimes even being Invite-only doesn’t help much. We only invite people that are already in a lower level club where you can see their performance. One key indicator of recent play is the number of red stars the player has. The minimum before idle makes sure the player is invested early. We’re not afraid to boot those that don’t follow the rules.

It’s still frustrating.

When I joined my first club, I did not know about chat and was booted. I learned my lesson lol.

We have the same issue and have resolved it basically. If by the end of the day and they’ve gone idle after joining, we remove them. Come Wednesday, we close the group to the public and don’t open until Friday afternoon. We still get goofballs looking for easy pickings, or rather trying to, but we don’t make it easy for them. Good luck to y’all

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I have no idea we will limited on how many removals we had!!

It’s very annoying as every time you try and remove someone you get a pop up telling you you’ve reached your limit but it doesn’t tell you how many or when you can start removing again.

I have removed a lot of people over the past week and haven’t seen that pop up yet. Maybe I will put in a ticket to find out. if there’s a limit on removing people then there should be a limit on people team jumping to in my opinion.

I also think that people shouldn’t be able to join a team unless they have created a user name and profile. What do you think? I spend a lot of time I’m nagging in the chat for Guests to create a profile. I have only allowed one to stay because they have been team champ twice. It means I can identify them from everybody else but but I can’t let it continue you when I’m assisting everybody else creates a username.


Tasha is there even a way to block players?

It would solve the issue to be able to block them but we don’t have that option. If you aren’t getting anyone accepting invites to join or even people requesting to join there’s no option but to leave it on public, the downside is you end up removing the same people over and over again. I think the running out of removals has happened to us 3 or 4 times.

There is no way to block players at this time